Did Maven actually eliminate the Undertaker, the so-called, "Un-Neverjobber"?? I couldnt believe what i saw, and why was Maven eliminated, i didnt think an already eliminated guy could eliminate an active participant.
Anyway, great to see old faces again in Val, Godfather (with the 12 hoes), Goldust, and Mr. Perfect. I was rooting for Perfect at the end, despite being a diehard Angle fan. Perfect did great. So did the rest of the group...and Val Venis is JAKKED!!! Great Royal Rumble match, one of the best and most unpredictable ones in a long time. The rest of the matches were solid, but the Royal Rumble traditionally has a less that great undercard. Will be an interesting RAW tomorrow.
This was definatly one of the better PPV's in quite a while.
The maven angle may meen he has to wrestle Triple H tommorow night in some shitty over the top rope match since he never was eliminated.
The Rock/Y2J match was very entertaining, but these two have been working great so i guess that it was expected.
The tag team match was solid, I am suprised that tazz and spike won though, so, it started the evening on an intresting note.
The womans match, well, whatever.
Flair and Vince did a solid job selling the match through out it. for something that had cheezy run in spot written all over it, i was happy to see a clean finsh there.
wait, i thought maven did get eliminated. sure, it was due to someone already out of the match, but no where in the rules does it state that the person who does the eliminating have to still be in the match. i am sure there is some precident for it, it can't be the first time it happened...
Skitchr4u Wrote:wait, i thought maven did get eliminated. sure, it was due to someone already out of the match, but no where in the rules does it state that the person who does the eliminating have to still be in the match. i am sure there is some precident for it, it can't be the first time it happened...
I don't remember him getting thrown over the top.
I would love to discuss the finer points of the rules and regulations of the WWF. However, I have come to the realization that, IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER!
Why is it that when a match is about to be decided and the ref gets "accidentally" knocked unconcious there's not another ref to be found. But, when there's something outside of the ring going on that's out of control there's at least 100 refs to stop that? hmmmmmm?
Anyway, I would've liked to have seen Maven wrestle, but I refuse to pay for a wrestling PPV and I don't have an illegal cable box.
In the mid 90's when Vader was debuting in the WWF.He got eliminated and then came back in and kicked everybody's ass and threw everybody out, including eventual winner Shawn Michaels. Everybody who he threw out were not eliminated and came back into the match.
Maven was never officially eliminated. Undertaker just kicked his ass so he was unable to continue the match. I was hoping he'd make it back at the end, but I guess not. Best part of the Rumble was that fag muffin Scotty 2 Hotty getting kicked in the face and knocked out before even entering the ring. Every single one of Stone Cold's Stunners was sloppy and unbelievable. The eventual victory by Triple H was predictable, but I'm glad he won nonetheless. Overall, it was one of the best PPV's I've seen in a while.
Like you guys said, best PPV I've seen in a while, I actually enjoyed most of the matches for once. They actually let Tazz be Taz

the Tag Team match was my favorite of the night...
The Rock didn't win...the Rumble was everything I thought it would be (the Godfather was stylin in his new outfit)couldn't believe Taker be eliminated by Maven (Holy Shit!) but he definitely gave him his "welcome" into the WWF.
When is the split supposed to happen? I miss Raven..
last i heard on the split spit, it wasn't supposed to be til after wrestlemania...because splitting up, then getting back together for the biggest ppv of them all in so short a time made no sense. so it looks like it will be a while before we get to see raven and others like him again
Any word on the Maven incident yet? I didn't catch Monday night.
Or does it look like they're just letting it slide under the carpet?