Full Version: Final fantasy x ...... part 2? - Fuck you squaresoft !!!!
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Final fantasy International. Same game, but with new side quests, items, monsters, and a different ending, sprawled across 2 discs.

It seems that FFX was originally released waaaay to early, rushed to meet Christmas sales. As such, alot of stuff was cut. This is supposed to be the "true" version of the game. So all of us stupid schmucks who bought the game before are left with our dicks flapping in the wind. THANKS ALOT SQUARESOFT!!!!
[Image: dr-wong.jpg]

Nothing to see here. F'ing Danked! :punch:

Edited By Weird NJ on May 28 2002 at 2:56
On this topic, would someone tell me what this game has ANYTHING to do with the FF movie that came out. :clueless:
Nothing whatsoever, but of all the Final Fantasy games NONE have anything whatsoever to do with any of the others. There are some shared concepts and themes, as well as some repetative items, but story/character wise there's NEVER a relation to each other, other that each story revolves in some fashion around the end of the world.
That's F-ed up, you would think that a series would want to build up characters and story lines. Let's hope SW:Episode 3 isn't about a chick giving birth to a baby in a Walmart. :clueless: