a little bored there, grumpy?
Grumpy would have said he fucked your sister.
And then said he fucked ken with a 2x4.
Ha ha....have fun waiting at the free clinic now :rofl:
Yes, but the question is.... where you any good? Gotta look out for Mom ya know. :thumbs-up:
so what? i fucked your brother...and he loved it
Quote:so what? i fucked your brother...and he loved it
Yeah, but you thought about me the whole time. :-p
Quote:I just fucked your mother
you havent been laid in months, who are you trying to kid?
Quote:you havent been laid in months, who are you trying to kid?
How on earth would you know the last time I had sex?
Oh, I get it, you were trying to poke fun at the Maynard. HAHAHAHAHAHA! You are quite the jokester Arpi man.
Quote:How on earth would you know the last time I had sex?
Oh, I get it, you were trying to poke fun at the Maynard. HAHAHAHAHAHA! You are quite the jokester Arpi man
you laugh because if you do not, you will cry
I have nothing to cry about in my life you pathetic waste of a "man".
Go talk about your brain cloud some more.
Quote:I have nothing to cry about in my life
And there you have it folks, a picture perfect textbook case of denial
Quote:OK Ken
you think that bothers me but it doesnt. i know its not true. so go ahead, keep saying it, it doesnt affect me at all. i mean it..............asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry: :angry:
Quote:Yeah, but you thought about me the whole time.
only when her tried to stick it in my arse.
arpi > ken > rue mc clanahan > maynard
Jeeze, maybe Ken came back as Keyser, not Arpi.