Full Version: Ccccome bbbback here you message board.... - Sssssssslow motion ppppppposting........
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The board seems to be running really sssssssssslow and I am the only one logged in......
I have gone to other websites and I'm not having this same problem.

Is it me, or is there some sort of issue with the board this morning? :clueless:
Well, it must be official. I have no idea how I double posted a new topic. Undecided
Sorry about that Admins. & Mods.
I am sure you have the power to delete one of them.
Not to worry Ms. luna....:-)
Thank you, Mr. Tic. :thumbs-up:
Now, I seem to be running fine. The pages are loading well and everything.

Who is sticking pins in my doll this morning? :clueless:
certainly not me ms luna. if you were someone else maybe. :firebounce:
Well...that's good news, Snuka. :loveya:
im at work ms luna...thats my excuse for being up so early...what is yours?
I actually went to bed at a decent hour last night. 9:30pm. I am brite-eyed and bushy tailed this morning. :bouncer:
ahhhh well its good to have company here luna. :loveya:
Oh yeah! :thumbs-up:
Everyone else must be sleeping......damn them for having a life....damn, damn, damn them!
dunno if it helps but i got in at 3 slept for an hour than came to work. Undecided
ACK!!!! I haven't done such a thing in a very llllllllllllllllooooooong time. Can't say I miss it, tho. :-D
You must be dragging some butt today, huh?
hells yeah i am. leaving a dirty brown streak as i drag it too. last week i came right to work from the bar. so its better today anyway. LOL :crackhead:
You need COFFEE!

How many lumps ya want? :-D
4 lumps please ms luna. right now i have a cup of red bull and alternating sips

Quote:bushy tailed
You've completely destroy all my fantasies.
Teh barch do no like teh hairy Luner :-(
Ah...the hair of the dawg always works. :thumbs-up:
You've completely destroy all my fantasies.
Teh barch do no like teh hairy Luner many people really have a tail? I WAS TALKING TAIL!!!!!! :-(

I thought "bushy tail" = hairy ass

I feel much better about my fantasies now :-D
no dogs around here ms luna...but there is a squashed raccoon in the street. will that work?
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