Full Version: In this thread... - Snuka is my goddess....
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Maybe it went up thru your sinuses, and is pooling in your head..... hold your nose & blow, like Bugs Bunny, and it will shoot out your ears.
Amy's shooting blanks.
I've seen this before. Stand on your head. The sperm will drain the more conventional way.
oh man luna!!!!!!
why did u have to tell my horrible secret
Ooooops...sorry 'bout that, Amy dear.

How's your cock?
low & too the left?
my cock is so hard right now
You must have taken your cock to the taxidermist, aye?
Where you you stuff your stuffed cock, when company comes over?
my cock stays out in plain site, i am not ashamed
Anyone ever bring a box for your cock?
everyone wants to touch my cock
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