Full Version: Who owns a motorcycle? - I want one too
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[Image: motorcycle1.jpg]
Cheese Steak??

now i want a nice cheese steak!!!!!
Thanks for the dose of reality, sloatsb. I was getting into this "buy a bike" thing with this discussion and the weather lately. But, you just reminded me that it's nearly impossible to eat a mcdonald's extra value meal while driving a motorcycle.
OK..... so much for hotlinking....

That Cheese Steak Bike

cut and paste: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Edited By Sloatsburgh on June 04 2002 at 1:38
nope, still nothing

ooooooo nice! That part at the end of the seat, looks like an ass. :thumbs-up:

Duuuude! It has legs too!!!

Edited By Hey Ladi on June 04 2002 at 3:08
[Image: ch_5.jpg]

I think I'm a little bit obsessed

Edited By Hey Ladi on July 02 2002 at 12:13
Pages: 1 2 3