Full Version: I have never..... - But would like to......
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<ul>things i've never done
<li>had a threesome
<li>gone skydiving
<li>killed a person(oh how i would love to)
Hmmm.....maybe you could go skydiving with two women and have sex on the way down, then cut one of their chutes so they die. :thumbs-up:

3 birds with one stone.
wow!!!! what a great idea!

may, don't put any ideas in my head. please!

Edited By LZMF1 on June 04 2002 at 11:37
Nevermind, I do not want to go with you anymore. :-o
oh SURE Ladi,
It's all shits and giggles when I was plunging to my death!
nah, don't worry. i play nice with you. always:-D
Your avatar is making me pee my pants.
it rocks!!!!
So... I can go skydiving over Aruba with Spit and Ladi.... have sex with both of them in the air thus also seeing Spits ass, kill one of them and sell the other for a million dollars I would have fullfilled 20, 21 if we film it and it becomes an underground snuff movie.
Quote:It's all shits and giggles when I was plunging to my death!
Well, you wanted me to be straped to you too, and I wasn't up for that either. I won't remember how to land, and I don't want the ground coming up and smacking me in the head!
Christ, when are you people going to start living? Other than Australia, I think I've done pretty much everything many of you haven't. I either have lived a good life, or maybe I'm old? Undecided
Quote:I either have lived a good life, or maybe I'm old?
try both......
your old and and we're poor Undecided

mid-air fucking? hmmm.....

Edited By Spitfire on June 04 2002 at 11:49
Quote:mid-air fucking? hmmm.....
35,000 feet over Alaska yes, while in the plane. Outside the plane, no. But I'm game. :-p
Skys The Limit Skydiving <~ link

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Edited By Hey Ladi on June 04 2002 at 12:18
i've been with two girls at once so i guess i can die a happy man.

everything else is just gravy
I've never....

had a threesome...want to
jumped from a plane...don't want to
told people how I really explanation

I have.....
gone deep see fishing...many times
flown a plane.....Boy Scouts
hit walk off homeruns.....just last night
jumped off a roof into a pool.....stupid kid
OAS - i feeel the same way. except for the old part. i'm only 23.

but i've never:
<ul>been to australia
had sex in an airplane
had sex in public
jumped out of a helicopter on my snowboard
gone skydiving
gone scubadiving
been in a movie
been up on stage with a famous band at a concert
become friends with the Beastie Boys

i think that's it.
The only thing I haven't done that I hope to do one day soon is...
Father a child...
:loveya: Awwww! Good luck little swimmers :thumbs-up:
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