my fucking insurance company just declined one of the MRA's my docter made me have. $1500. now i have to file an appeal and go through all sorts of bullshit. i havent used this insurance in 10 years and the one time i finally do use it, they have to bust my balls. fucking thieves. i was going to pay it outright and then i figured, fuck them, i am going to fight this to the bitter end!!!
What is the name of this health insurance? I can give you some tips.
Quote:us healthcare
OH GOD <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>NO!</span> Just go and jump off a bridge now, dude! :crackhead:
Seriously can get it paid for...and you and your doctor will just have to jump through the hoops.
Catch me on AIM.
Edited By LunaBabe on June 04 2002 at 1:42
thanks for the tips

well then turn it on babe!!
Hold you r pants on...I will be there in a few seconds.
::taps foot impatiently and looks at watch::
Quote:i was going to pay it outright and then i figured, fuck them....
DO NOT pay that will just screw yourself. Don't worry about your credit getting messed up, either. It will get paid by the insurance company long before that happens.