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If I can catch a ride with Tenbats, I'll go.
OK, so Skirmish is out. Here's the 3 choices.

Paintball Depot - West Milford, NJ
About 1 hour west of NYC out RT 80.
Group rates, 21+ players.
You get one freebee (No I will not take the freebee, I'll just split the money up. I'll pay the same as everyone else)
$25 per person
Includes Hi-Tech Semi-auto Paintball Gun, Full Bottle of CO2, Goggles w/ Full Head Gear
5+ cases of paint $85

Top Gun Paintball - Jackson, NJ
Right next to Great Adventure.
Group Rates, 20+ players
You get one freebee + 500 paintballs (Again, I will pay like everyone else)
$25 per person
Rental includes Includes Pump Gun or Semi-Auto with free CO2 and JT Headgear

NJ Paintball - Butler, NJ
Not exactly sure how far from NYC this is. It's in northwest NJ.
Click Here for rates
1 case of paint $102 ($86 if paid for in advance of your visit) Doesnt look like a large purchase discount available here

Skirmish - Jim Thorpe, PA
According to OAS, a little under 2 hours from NYC.
Group Rates
15+ players 1 Freebee
Individual $29.95
Equipment included - Paintball Gun (your choice of a pump or semi-automatic), Goggles, Facemask, Ammo Belt, CO2
5+ cases of paint=$85

My experience....
Skirmish is the best of the bunch, then Top Gun. I play at Paintball Depot all the time because it's the closest of all of them (about 309 minutes) and the fields are fun, and they have nice staff. They are by far the easiest to do a group with. Never played at the field in Butler, but I've heard it's not the greatest.

I think we should plan this for a Sunday in July. Plan on playing a full day (usually 9 or 10-5 or 6). YEah, that means getting up early, but it's worth it. If you've never played its ALOT OF FUCKING FUN!!!

Any additional suggestions are welcome.
Fields are okay but they get stale pretty quick.

The best is find a place that has a ghost town, or since you'll be doing it in the middle of summer, an inside place is actually pretty sweet. The temperature is really nice and it's a lot more fun hiding and ambushing people.

They're usually abandoned office buildings and the games are a little longer and take more planning and thought than just "everyone run this way and shoot anyone you see"
fuck sunday. i make my most money that day. lets do it saturday
I would suggest a September or early October date. It will bee cooler. You will spend a lot of time running up and down hills. You don't want to do that on an 85 degree day.
Rolleyes Lazy ass
Saturday, need a day to recover
I don't know if it's still there, but there used to be at least one converted warehouse in Brooklyn for paintball. Indoor seams a little cramped though to me.

Saturday is probably the better day. And yeah, the heat in July might be a problem. From what I've been told, you definitely want at least one layer of clothes between you and the pellet. No shorts or short sleeve shirts.

I'd definitely prefer someplace with a maze, city, castle, etc.

And we can discuss carpooling after we figure out the where and when.
FYI.....if you get shot (and you WILL get shot at some point) it will hurt. Possibly even leave a bruise. The only way to pad yourself would be to wear like a snowsuit. They do make armor, but that's for pussies. Just suck it up and deal with it. I actually wear shorts and a t-shirt to play in the summer.

Anyhow, I just made a suggestion as to the time, you guys can decide what is best for everyone. I only suggested July, because it's soon. What's the matter OAS, can't deal with a little sweat?

This is NOT a clean sport. You WILL get dirty, you WILL get sweaty. But you WILL have a great time doing it. The adrenaline gets pumping like you couldn't imagine. Your body goes into that survival mode, even though you know it's only paint being shot at you, your natural instinct tells you it's real, and you act accordingly. It's tons of fun.

BTW, I don't know of ANY indoor places to play that are even remotely decent in the tri-state area. They all suck. You may think you get bored playing outdoors, but nah, it's fun.
Quote:What's the matter OAS, can't deal with a little sweat?
At my age, I prefer to work up a sweat in preferential situations of choice.

And don't worry Maymay, "I love the smell of paint in the morning." I take no prisoners, and I can pinpoint a shot between the eyes at 100 yards. Prepare to die.
Hello! My name is Antigo Montoya, prepare to die!
I have a special commando assault in mind for you too Ladi.
Quote:And don't worry Maymay, "I love the smell of paint in the morning." I take no prisoners, and I can pinpoint a shot between the eyes at 100 yards. Prepare to die.
Have you played before?

Who else has played before?

And OAS, shooting a paintball gun is NOTHING like shooting a real gun. The balls react to every bit of weather contition, moisture, wind, whatever. That's why you shoot so much paint, becuase they are fairly inaccurate. That's why to get a good paintball marker, that will shoot reliably, you will spend well over $1,000.
I got some nasty welts from paintballs. It stings a little while but it aint that bad. I wear long sleeve shirt and camo with a camo jacket over the shirt, that usually dulls the impact a bit.
I have played in the deserts of Arizona and the mountains of Nevada. Last time I played was in December. Took my Las Vegas staff out. We played one game called Executive Assassination. It was my entire staff against me. I went out an the course and they came out after me about 10 minutes later. In the end they won, but a majority of them watched as the final 7 got me. 26 went out, 7 were left when they got me.

The rest of the time was day shift against nights. I played rougue. I could kill anyone, anyone could kill me. My kill count was very satisfying by the end of the day.

Bring it on oh young and foolish one.
Yeah, no.
I don't care where or when we play, this just sounds like a great time! let me know when to show up and i will be there
Can I wallhack like in Half-life?
Quote:Bring it on oh young and foolish one.
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>GAME ON!!!</span>
Bye bye Maymay. Let me know what the definitive and decisive kill shot feels like. The last thing you will hear before the multiple splats will be the sound of the paintball whistling past your ears. Time to die!
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