then he wouldn't send you all private messages and you could just put him on your ingnore list.
You can block private messages from Members on CDIH too.
He has IM, he just won't give it out. Luckily he entrusted it in me. IM Ken at "GooglyMinotaur"
Quote:Lucky for who, Sleeper?
I was being sarcastic. You don't realize the depths of my hatred for you.
MayMay gives me hate...
you are just a poser.
oh look...yet another thread about ken. JOY!
ken is not able to handle the responsiblity of AIM. can you imagine the endless messages asking if we really hate him and do we really think he is unfunny. it would tiresome and terrifying
sorry VG it's just something that popped up in my mind and i had to share
VG, I thought we were friends now......
here lets.:toast:
I was hoping for a PM asking if I really hate him and I didn't get one. I guess I am a poser.
Quote:ken is not able to handle the responsiblity of AIM. can you imagine the endless messages asking if we really hate him and do we really think he is unfunny. it would tiresome and terrifying
arpi, that is a very good point.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote:VG, I thought we were friends now......
I think she wants butt sex:loveya:
If Ken had AIM, I'd switch to Yahoo.
that reply got a hell of a chuckle outta me!!!!!!