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i guessed bottom at just the right time. bought like a madman and am already happy with the results. managed to cover my losses from the drop and earn a tidy profit. when it goes back to previous highs i will be dancing for joy!!
Quote:if you bought a ton of stock last week like i did, you will be a very happy man.

I missed my projection of 7200 by just under 600. Bought in around 7800. I still expect to see 7200 in the near future. I won't fare too bad.
Then why the hell would you buy? Why are people so hung up on short term market fluctuations?
cause they dont understand the market and think of it as some sort of savings account
Quote:Then why the hell would you buy? Why are people so hung up on short term market fluctuations?

Because since 1996 that's all it's been. There has been more wealth accumulated by playing the flucuations than by investing long term. Why do you think real estate has been booming since the mid 90's? It can't be because over 65% of Americans don't have adequate income to qualify for mortgages on the cost of new home construction. If so many Americans are buying new homes, why are multi-family properties being built at a 3 to 1 rate over single family? Real estate is the long term investment of choice right now.
real estate historically has a return of 4% while stocks have a return of over 8%
Actually stocks are closer to 10% since 1930 and 12% since 1960
i said over 8%. sheesh!
Quote:real estate historically has a return of 4%
I'm not sure where you're buying property but I have been at 12% low and 32% high never holding the property more than 5 years.
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