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Quote:Poly didn't get back with which ONE she wanted to nominate.

Yes I did. I nominated the Sexual Life of Catherine M. I didn't edit my post, I made a new one once I figured out we could only nominate one book.
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet.

If arpi has read it over 10 tems, it has to be good.
Ender's Game looks interesting, but quite a few of the titles do.
I forgot my copy, can I share with Magoo?
I will read what i am told to read in this thread...been to busy to nominate or read up on what you guys have nominated...let me know what to get and i willl start reading
So, we've got:

2 - Pillars of Earth
2 - Ender's Game (unless that's a vote by Gonzo?)
1 - Golden Compass

Edit - Alright, Ikea's and Polly's nominations weren't in the official list post before, so you can change your vote if you want to. Just make it VERY clear that you are changing it.

You have until the end of the week. See my post below.

Edited By Arthur Dent on July 01 2002 at 1:34
If possible could someone make a complete list of the nominated books?
Ikea, see my post on the previous page. The one with all the underlined links to the pages.

Since there have been very few votes cast so far, I've decided to extend voting until the end of this week with the "winner" announced on monday.


Cast your vote in BOLD so I can find it easily to count it.
I'll put in my vote for Ender's Game but in the nominees my nomination for The Toy Collector isn'ton the list.
Yeah neither is my nomination for Thus Spoke Zarathrusa.
My vote is for: The Plague by Camus
For those too lazy to go to page 4:

Quote:On the Road by Kerouac - Spitfire
Running with the Demon by Terry Brooks - Lord Magus
Lincoln: A Novel by Gore Vidal - Arpi
Amber Spyglass is book 3 of a trilogy. Here's the compilation of all 3 - Arpi
The Plague by Camus - Maynard
Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - Diceisgod
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card - Arthur Dent
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet - Buttmunch
The Sexual Life of Catherine M. by by Catherine Millet, Adriana Hunter (Translator) - Polly
The Toy Collector by Gunn - Ikea (could have sworn I included this one.)
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, - Adolescent Masturbator (That makes two by Nietzsche to choose from.)

That's the nominations I have seen. No new nominations will be accepted.
I suggest everyone re-state their vote AFTER this post. If you do not, I will assume your original vote still stands.
enders game
i've read On The Road, i'd be happy to discuss it when the time comes.

i'm a big fan of the Beat writers. Ginsberg, Burroughs, Kerouac.
Just let me know what we're reading and all will be right with the world.
Quote:Ender's Game
if i may make a suggestion. wouldn't the voting be a lot clearer if you just make a poll thread. it can be just a poll with no replies. so, the discussion can remain in this thread but it will be a hell of a lot easier to figure out what we're reading :crackhead:
Quote:if i may make a suggestion. wouldn't the voting be a lot clearer if you just make a poll thread. it can be just a poll with no replies. so, the discussion can remain in this thread but it will be a hell of a lot easier to figure out what we're reading

I didn't want to do a poll because only people who signed up at the beginning should be voting. Don't want to give anyone any ideas, but bad things could happen with an anonymous poll open for everyone, and not jus the participants, to vote in.
dent i have a question about the books we girlfriend really came up with the idea...should we limit it to books we will be able to obtain at the library for those of us funds challenged individuals? or perhaps like $6 paperbacks...rather than the just out hardcover non-fiction $35 book...just wondering for next go round of nominations
Quote:It has been a while since I have read Ender's Game....
though we could get current and read about Ender's Shadow......
Bean is such a cute little dickens.

You really gotta read Ender's Game first to appreciate Ender's Shadow. Though, I think Shadow of the Hedgemon is a better sequel than the ending of the Speaker for the Dead saga.

Quote:dent i have a question about the books we girlfriend really came up with the idea...should we limit it to books we will be able to obtain at the library for those of us funds challenged individuals? or perhaps like $6 paperbacks...rather than the just out hardcover non-fiction $35 book...just wondering for next go round of nominations

That's why I have a Library Card. I'd go broke if I bought all the books I read. If this is an issue, we can include it for round two (assuming this works out and people WANT to do a round 2).
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