Full Version: Man down - and it's one of our own. - Afdude is in the hospital.
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i don't know why you edited the details in the first place, but anyway, good luck dude, hope you have a speedy recovery, we're all thinking of ya
God 's speed Dave. America and that wild blue yonder needs you. Get well soon. Fucking Texan's.
Need an update here Mikey.
Sean...let's go under the assumption that no news is good news for now dawg.
The last update I got, he's recovering. Prognosis looks good. He's had some surgery for the internal bleeding and he's got to go through some physical therapy. His friend is going out to Texas to see him tomorrow. I sent her a message asking what hospital he's in and any phone number I can call him at. As soon as I hear anything else, I let you guys know ASAP.

As for the question of why I editted my original post, someone had concerns about keeping Dave's private life private. Yes it is true that Dave does keep details of his private life to himself. I respect that and would never violate his trust in me. Nor would I violate anyone else's trust. But I think alot of us, really are more than just board buddies. We socialize outside of the board. Dave and I chat all the time when he's online. I consider myself more than just an online buddy with Dave. I'm sure a few of you feel the same way. I felt it was important for me to let those people who care about him know what's going on. God forbid, something like this happens to anyone else, put yourself in their shoes. Would you want your friends to know? I know Dave does because he specifically asked his friend to send out the email regarding his condition. This was immediately following his accident. If Dave wanted to keep it hush hush, he wouldn't have made that request. I'm not faulting the person who asked me to editted it. I understand and respect that persons condition but based on the replies and the concensus of the posts, I don't think I was wrong in my judgement.

I'll get off my soap box now and go back to violating F-tard's overgrown, fungus infested mother. were on a soapbox??? Fuck man, get a cherry picker next time...I was wondering where all that racket was coming from :crackhead:
Quote:I'll get off my soap box now and go back to violating F-tard's overgrown, fungus infested mother.
Still not funny.

Hope all is going as well as it could be.
feel better dude :thumbs-up:
update on AFDude - 6:13. I had a chat with his friend. he's doing well and recovering slowly. She is going out to see him tomorrow. She's hoping to bring back to his home when she heads back early next week. I copied your comments from this thread and emailed it to her. She's going to print it out and give to him.
Is it too late to say Maynard's a dick?
Good to hear he is doing better. Hope he can return soon and experience Maynard's revolting dick-ness in person once again.
I have kept my opinions to myself regarding this matter. But I have weighed all the issues at hand, and I would like to openly say that I am decidedly against the drunk driver, and hope for a speedy recovery on AFDude's part.

I apologize if my stance is too hardlined, but I felt it was just time to speak, regardless of the consequences.
that's awful. i hope he's ok
Galt - without the intention of turning this into an form of arguement (because it doesn't warrant it), what is there to weigh in? An innocent person gets seriously hurt due to the actions of an asshole that was too stupid to realize that his actions could hurt someone. If it makes any difference, I did find out that the bastard in jail waiting trial.

As for my stance on drunk driving, I'll be very open about it. I lost a very dear friend of mine 20 years ago. She was needlessly killed in the beginning of what should have been a wonderful life. I have always been an advocate of the Designated Driver. I will be the first person to ask anyone too drunk to drive if they need a ride. I have taken many a friend who I thought was too intoxicated home because I didn't want them hurting themselves or anyone else. Here's a word of advice for those that think that they're okay and that they can drink and drive. If you care nothing for your own personal safety, think about those that are out on the road with you. What have they done to deserve it? Think about their families and their friends. What effect does it have on them? Put yourself in the shoes of those people.

It's absolutely outrageous that our legal system gives the equivalent of a slap on the wrist to drunk drivers. Big fuckin deal if they lose their license. You think that's going to stop them? Big fuckin deal if they get hit with financial penalties. Is that money going to the families of those they hurt? Is that going to bring change the fact that they've devasted someone's life and those around them?

Don't do it folks. Let someone else drive. Call a cab. Sleep at a local hotel. The $100 you spend on a hotel pales in comparison to what may happen if you don't.

Once again.....I'll step off the cherry picker now.
Lawyers have said that if you want to kill some on, the best way to do it is to track their habits, figure out when they will be on the road, have a couple of drinks and hit them with your car. If you want to be extra sure, hit them with your car then do 10 shots before the police arrive and wait an hour before you give a blood test.
Grump, is that the same cherry picker that you use to pee in the toilet??
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