i have a cold and i feel like i am drowning in phlegm.
i am fucking miserable!!
Must be the all the semen buildup.
Maynard Wrote:Must be the all the semen buildup.
yes, that must be it, you got me on that one.
The last two colds I had this winter have been phlegmy.
One time, I coughed and this wad of phlegmy goodness shot right out and landed on my thumb. It was kind of gross & cool at the same time.
Quote:One time, I coughed and this wad of phlegmy goodness shot right out and landed on my thumb. It was kind of gross & cool at the same time.
You're gross. :lol:
I woke up full of that shit today

I must say that i have woken up goo free lately, which I am rather happy about actually.
My problem lies in the fact that since Sunday, I have totally pissed out of my fuckin ass. Damned those fuckin snacks from PathMark! :no, really, fuck off:
Edited By Sean Cold on Jan. 23 2002 at 10:31
Sean Cold Wrote:I must say that i have woken up goo free lately, which I am rather happy about actually.
My problem lies in the fact that since Sunday, I have totally pissed out of my fuckin ass. Damned those fuckin snacks from PathMark! :no, really, fuck off:
God, that's worse than phlegm. To me there's nothin more sastisfying than a nice clean, solid shit and when you go and wipe your ass there's narry a stain on the paper. Ah the little things...
Eww. One time in college, someone bought sugar free ice cream, and we were making drinks with it & eating it out of the container... forgetting what sugar free does to you. I felt so terrible later. Plus, I went to see about a boy that night, and kept trying not to fart on him. Hehehehe
Quote:Plus, I went to see about a boy that night, and kept trying not to fart on him. Hehehehe
Now that's fuckin funny as hell.
And yes. Pathmark snacks suck ass.
i feel a little better today, not that any of you selfish fucks care
Arpikarhu Wrote:i feel a little better today, not that any of you selfish fucks care
Not in the least.
i expect no less from you
AFDude Wrote:C46
uh....yeah.....whatever you say
Quote:forgetting what sugar free does to you
ahh, is that why i fart so much?? diet coke, oh wrong thread, ok, i too have been dealing with excessive snot recently. although i must say i've been doing quite a good job of keeping it on the interior ofmy nasal passages :real good: unfortunately, i've swallowed so much of it, i'm scared to go to the bathroom...,,
Trish's phlegm is an excellent lubricant.
And it melts chrome.
you wish you knew that :no, really, fuck off: :fuggin:
crx girl Wrote:you wish you knew that :no, really, fuck off: :fuggin:
I've seen documentation.
Alkey's pulling closer but trish is still ahead by a nose...AND DOWN THE STRETCH THEY COME!!!