Full Version: You fat bitch!!!
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Take a fucking bath so you don't need to drown your sorry ass in so much fucking perfume!!!! Not only does your island sized ass almost bump me out of my seat when you so ungraciously plunk that shit down.....I still have a headache from that eau de toilet you were doused in. Gah damn you, you fucking some consideration to others and have your trainer bathe you once in a while!!!!
I've noticed this too. It seems the fatter the woman, the longer they seem to marinate in their massive quantities of perfume.

Same goes for old ladies...but I think that's just because their sense of smell is shot.

Edited By Sweet Angel on June 12 2002 at 07:48
Don't stop with the's guys too. I've been in clubs where the guys who wear their button down shirts open to about the third or fourth button to show off their skinny chests and wife beater tank tops, not to mention parading around with their shitty bowl cuts high fiving each other like some hood rat brotherhood, douche themselves in Cool Water or some other foul smelling cologne to the point where the oxygen is sucked out of the room within ten feet of them and anyone inside that radius is deprived of the precious air they need for survival.
UGH! Try sharing an office with a really fat lady, who wears the most awful, but tres expensive (of course, perfume). And I can't even open any windows (so I just fart a lot to get rid of the smell) Why should she bother? The perfume's not gonna help her looks any...
Could you please keep the threads about Polly in the Short Bus please?
How do you know its not about Grump's mom.....Ken's sister....the list goes on and on
Grk is gonna be pissed when she reads this.
:crackhead: Hmmmm, interesting theory Slash....but so wrong it landed in a dimension where Ken has teh funney :crackhead:

Edited By Metalfan on June 14 2002 at 07:34