I could kill my fiance. Without an "I love you" or anything like that, she heads out the door this morning and says "I better not come home to a dirty house."
So...I start cleaning the house, but realize that my definition of clean is probably different than hers. I sort piles of our stuff into nicer, neater piles. I clean the kitchen (so that it's spotless, which is a far cry from her definition of cleanliness in there). And then I pick up all the clothes that are laundered and folded, put them into the baskets, and put them in the bedroom where they can be put away later.
Am I fucking this up? Do I have a right to be as pissed off as I am about the whole thing? Or am I just clueless in the field of cleanliness?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I just had the same argument with Mr. Spit last week!
You do the piling thing too? Well, the problem is, you eventually have to put the piles away!
VG is gonna LOOOOOVE this thread.
She'll give you all the advice you need McB.
Spit....there is nowhere to put the piles away. I actually threw a lot of piles out today. Old bridal magazines that she hasn't looked at since just after I proposed to her....papers that I hadn't returned to my kids at school...etc. So the place looks better........but I'm not sure that it is "clean". (I even vacuumed...because vacuuming=clean in my mind)
Ask her
I do piles. It's my version of organized, & it's fine for me. Other that that..... what's this "clean" thing :crackhead: In college I only washed stuff because there were other people there, and we agreed to it first & made a scedule.
I think you did a pretty good job. Better than Mr. Spit when I went on a rant. At least you cleaned the kitchen....floors too? and vacuumed...And threw out some piles, he just left them there for me to figure out. Did you dust?
Piles are definitely the way to go, Ladi...:thumbs-up:
Edited By Spitfire on June 12 2002 at 1:27
Did you clean the bathroom??? :crackhead:
It's wed. my cleaning lady is here...:thumbs-up:
I do the pile thing too. For when I feel like going through mail etc.
Other than that, I don't expect my significant other to clean really, more like not make it dirtier, so that I don't have to work harder.
I guess it's the spic in me.

I suck at teh cleaning. I leave that to professionals.
Okay...for the update....I did not clean the kitchen floor......Only the places where I'm actually preparing food get the spotless treatment from me. She can clean the floor. My bathroom does not get cleaned. I'm a man, dammit. We need filth where we spread our filth. And dusting...I have never dusted a day in my life, except for when I was a kid and my mom would make me. But since then......nope. But nothing really looked dusty to me anyway.
Well, at least clean the pubes up. That will make her happy.
She has her own bathroom. And her's is a shit hole too. She's got make up and toiletries spread all over the place in there. And I'm kinda nervous about touching her stuff. I know I'll catch hell if something isn't placed properly or if I moved something to somewhere where she can't find it immediately (she's kinda OCD about that stuff and this being the week her Aunt Flo is in town doesn't help the situation either).
i like my "Al Bundy" shitter in the basement!!!
my wife nevar evar uses it!
I wish I were so lucky. My fiance goes into my bathroom because that's where the medicine and Q-tips and stuff are. Her bathroom cabinets and drawers are stuffed full of hair supplies and makeup and cleaning products and etc. So she has to be in my bathroom for some stuff......then complains about how it looks. IT'S MINE, DAMMIT!
Quote:VG is gonna LOOOOOVE this thread.
mmmmmm cleaning.
first of all piles of things stink! shit just gets moved from one pile to another. if you don't need it, throw it away! if it is something you need, then put it with other things that go with it. (like put your bills with other bills, ect. ect.) clutter drives me crazy.
next you vaccuum, then you dust. don't do it the other way around cause if you dust THEN vaccumm you just stir up more dust, making it so you have to do it twice.
bathrooms are so easy to clean. how hard is it to sweep it out, shake out the bathmat, clean the sink toilet and shower/tub and windex the mirror?
kitchens are just as easy, sweep the floor vaccumm up that mess, then get on your hands and knees like a bitch and wipe the fucking floor down! :lol:
ok..im gonna stop now, before you guys think i am really crazy.
Quote:ok..im gonna stop now, before you guys think i am really crazy.
Too late. :-p
all that wasted energy..... people who clean make me nervous. I prefer to sit still & ponder
Quote:all that wasted energy..... people who clean make me nervous. I prefer to sit still & ponder
not wasted energy at all, you may like it, but i refuse to live in filth thanks!
It's not like we live in filth.....but her concept of clean is different than mine and I want to know where the boundaries lie. I can handle a little clutter, but the way she leaves the kitchen counters in unacceptable. I at least will put dishes in the sink....she leaves them on the counter top for me to rinse and then put into the dishwasher. Like dropping them in the sink, that one extra step, will break her. It's a weird thing.......I have no clue.