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the number of dots,
was sheer exaggeration.......(<--at most)

And Slash,
Sluggo will be pissed,
if he finds you mocking the posting style
he stole from me.

Edited By Ken'sPen on June 13 2002 at 2:51
Quote:I wish I had a dollar for every misinformed bit of rhetoric you've posted.
Quote:There are many points to the argument of people developing personas online. Some people would say that they are exactly the same online as they are in person. They are liars.
Quote:Anyway, you can tell me all you want that you are the same, but I still say you are lying to yourselves.
I'm sorry Kid. I thought you were suggesting that we were liars. Silly me, how could I have misinterpreted what you were really trying to say. I stand corrected.
Quote:has anyone met fslkjflaksjdkljoejfaskjdofiaueroiejaa;ksjfohiej
does he really suck cock?
don't worry ken, he'll hand you the heisman too.
Quote:And Slash,
Sluggo will be pissed,
if he finds you mocking the posting style
he stole from me.

Good, maybe he will ban me. This way I will have less of your shit to read.

IRL, I think your shit is stuff,
however, internet life,
your stuff is shit........

Edited By SLASH on June 13 2002 at 2:59
So profound....
I liked you more when I didn't know that you were really Kid,
maybe gonzo,
I hate you when I didn't know you were really Maynard.

I was being,
George Carlin......

Edited By SLASH on June 13 2002 at 3:06
Slash shouldn't you be busy moderating the upcoming 263,642,824,234th post on's Fuck you thread?







to me it seems like
it is written like haiku
does anybody agree?
<table style=filter:flipH>yes it is just about as annoying as kenny boy is!!!</table>
I guess KensPen is really Mister Miyagi
wax on! wax off!!!
paint the fence!!!



no side-side!!!
could never hate Slash for that, Ken...
You however...
And to those of you that are annoyed by the way I post...
Cry to someone that might possibly give a shit. :fuckoff:
Well Sluggo,
I didn't lurk long in
I will go read some old threads and see if you had dibs on MY style.
I remeber Sluggo doing it way before you did. Not that this was a good thing, just giving due credit.
Quote:I thought you were suggesting that we were liars. Silly me, how could I have misinterpreted what you were really trying to say. I stand corrected.

It's pretty simple, fucknut. You can't look past the opportunity to make your sad attempt to lure me into a fight, long enough to see that there is some merit to what I am saying. The discussion is actually an interesting one, if you can get over your idea that you are totally honest with yourself in your perception of your behavior. I would tell you to think outside the box, but that would require a form of advanced cognition, the likes of which I doubt you've ever experienced. Take your over-priviliged sagging ass to the corner and sit the fuck down. Allow the under-educated overly-opinionated mulatto flex some literary knowledge on the subject of cyberspace communities and their effect on the human psyche.

Quote:Virtual Identities:

One of the most interesting aspects of cyberculture is the changing notion of selfhood. How do we represent ourselves within online spaces and how is this representation different from the 'real' self? Where are our bodies when we negotiate through electronic spaces? How much of our online persona is a product of self-representation? How can -- or do -- we tweak this persona?

The following essays, articles, and books explore some of these questions. Well before the now-famous New Yorker cartoon ("On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog"), the included scholars were busy examining issues of gender, sexuality, and race in and on the mediated space of the Internet.

Bromberg, Heather, "Are MUDs Communities? Identity, Belonging and Consciousness in Virtual Worlds," in Cultures of Internet: Virtual Spaces, Real Histories, Living Bodies, edited by Rob Shields (London: SAGE Publications, 1996): 143-152.

Although the work's title suggests a discussion revolving around online communities, this essay is largely concerned with notions of identity and consciousness within IRCs and MUDs. Beginning with a brief literature review of the Net and claims of transcendence, Bromberg, a graduate student in the Departments of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University, continues by suggesting that users of IRCs and MUDs do so to combat the "malaise and inconsistency of what is currently called the 'postmodern condition'" (147). This use, according to Bromberg, serves four social functions: solace for lonely users, identity play for pleasure and exploration, erotic appeal, and mastery over one's environment. The essay ends with a tempered conclusion that life on the Net constitutes an altered state of consciousness.

Miller, Laura, "Women and Children First: Gender and the Settling of the Electronic Frontier," in Resisting the Virtual Life: The Culture and Politics of Information, eds. James Brook and Iain A. Boal (San Francisco: City Lights, 1995): 49-57.
Yeah, but in my defense I have been writing my personal emails like this
long before I came to the board.

I HATE reading long posts or posts with big blocky paragraphs,
I have always written like this cause I find it visually pleasing and easier to read.
Quote:the under-educated overly-opinionated mulatto
Look at k1d trying to convince us he's not black. Confusedneak:
this thread sucks
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