Full Version: What are you passionate about?
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Just thinking about people who are really passionate about stuff. Like music, their profession, a sport, hobby, etc. Some people have huge collections of stuff that they treat like holy relics. Some people spend every possible second practicing a sport or an instrument or something.

Is there anything that you are really passionate about? Something that is so fundamental a piece of your life, that without it your life would be far less?
You have to ask? :disappointed:
music and making the people that i love happy. my life would not be complete with out these to elements.
Two chicks at the same time....
I also used to be very passionate about teaching, but it's been a few years. The time I spent teaching kids music is something that I hold very dear to my heart.
I'm passionate about:

- My cooking. When I cook a great meal that people remember for months later, that's a good meal
- My music. I play alot of different instruments and all my knowledge was self taught. I love learning a new song or learning a new instrument.
- My love for my kids. There are no words to explain the unconditional love between a parent and child.
- My desire for success in everything I do. it's how I've gotten this far in life. Blood, sweat, tears, pain and joy. All in one.
Music :headbang: I drove all the way to O-high-o to check out a bunch of no-name bands...and had the best time of my life EVER

Honestly, I'm passionate about :fuggin: smoking, decriminalization, medicinal uses, hemp, etc...I recently sent my resume to NORML

And books, I love to read, I could live without the tv, without the computer, but not books

Edited By Spitfire on June 13 2002 at 2:03
I am passionate about making myself happy, to make sure that I am in a good state of mind. I also enjoy smokin weed.
Quote:You have to ask?
:lol: I vote yes, too.

Oh, and sleeping.... If I were in the movie Vanilla Sky, i wouldn't leave the institute.

Edited By Hey Ladi on June 13 2002 at 3:34
<li>annoying ken's pen
<li>watching him get the heisman
I remember annoying Kens Pen, what a dousche. ( too bad I cant spell that either)
I would have to say k9's and k9 training, that is what I am passionate about.
I love working with them and it's not about coersive training methods, either, because that is not my thing.
<font color="white">

Edited By LunaBabe on June 13 2002 at 7:10
Quote:I would have to say k9's and k9 training, that is what I am passionate about.
I just carry a big stick to keep em in line.
There you go May, really trying to put the DogFucker rumor to rest, huh :thumbs-up:
i'm not
Music is my passion. Seems like alot of people here share that passion.
1.books guitars
all in no particular order
money is the root of all good.
Pages: 1 2