Full Version: Killing mother nature.......
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Pages: 1 2
I hate that attitude that the Earth is somehow greater than man,
that it will endure and survive our stewardship.

I fear that what we might leave is an ecosystem in which only rats and cockroaches may survive.

(so Kid and Maymay can breathe a sigh of relief.)
Quote:I fear that what we might leave is an ecosystem in which only rats and cockroaches may survive.
I was just thinking that the other day, too. Deja Vu.
Ever wonder why we have so many rats and roaches in urban areas? To clean up the waste left behind by humans.
Tree huggers.
I would hug a tree any day. :-D
'specially a Redwood...
Quote:I would hug a tree any day.
excuse me while I whip this out.
Unlike Sluggo I have some shrubbery growing around the tree....
hope you don't mind.
Pages: 1 2