I figured I would jump on the "What's" bandwagon.
I ate some raw red cabbage last night..and tatters of it are hangin out my ass right now. Jesus christ that shit doesnt digest. Im tryin to pull the rest that is stuck out with a poker made of paper clips.
virgingrrl Wrote:my finger :bouncer:
i just about blew when i read that
Arpikarhu Wrote:i just about blew when i read that
I didn't need to know that. Thanks for ruining it. :no, really, fuck off:
virgingrrl Wrote:my finger :bouncer:
How many times do I have to say......finger means one finger..
LOL..forearm doesnt count as a finger.
virgingrrl Wrote:my finger :bouncer:
Hmmm....that's MY finger hon.
Quote:i just about blew when i read that
thanks for that information :bouncer:
Quote:Hmmm....that's MY finger hon.
um, im pretty sure its mine, here smell it :bouncer:
Quote:um, im pretty sure its mine, here smell it



well who's ass is my finger in??
My fucking head...
I can't seem to do anything right.

BeckyDC Wrote:well who's ass is my finger in??
Becky - 1-800-NATLCDC
That's the number for the Center for Disease Control. You're gonna need it in a day or two. trust me.
LOL...Becky has her finger in my ass? Obvisously she should be informed about the quarantine procedures I dont think she is aware.
But uhhh Becky while your at it...do you mind if someone taps on your elbow to help you go a little deeper...I seem to have something stuck in my throat.
hah! My ass is clean today!
IkeaBoy Wrote:hah! My ass is clean today!
You must be expecting your boyfriend huh?
Maynard Wrote:Quote:hah! My ass is clean today!
You must be expecting your boyfriend huh?
alkey's still at work
IkeaBoy Wrote:hah! My ass is clean today!
Yeah for once.
JIMMYSNUKA Wrote:LOL...Becky has her finger in my ass? Obvisously she should be informed about the quarantine procedures I dont think she is aware.
But uhhh Becky while your at it...do you mind if someone taps on your elbow to help you go a little deeper...I seem to have something stuck in my throat.
yeah - half the cocks on Christopher street.