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ok, now Fez's and my image link isn't working. nm
Well, I didnt move upstate. That's a plus, right?

...What a surprise.
Sephiroth Wrote:Well, I didnt move upstate. That's a plus, right?
That's like the glass half empty or half full. It's a trick question.
WhipThisFez Wrote:Sleeper...

...What a surprise.
Har Har go make another sig pic about it.
SLASH Wrote:
Quote:Well, I didnt move upstate. That's a plus, right?
That's like the glass half empty or half full. It's a trick question.
Eh, you never were the cheery one Slash.
Quote:Har Har go make another sig pic about it.

Haha someones bitter

Quote:That's like the glass half empty or half full. It's a trick question.

You rather me bring up skuttlbutt?
WhipThisFez Wrote:You rather me bring up skuttlbutt?
If you bring up Skuttlebutt, Im bringing up Sephiroth.

Oh wait, that threat doesnt work. Can we try this again?
Quote:Haha someones bitter

Yes, how dare you cut and paste a Dali masterpiece :no, really, fuck off:
Quote:If you bring up Skuttlebutt, Im bringing up Sephiroth.

Oh wait, that threat doesnt work. Can we try this again?

Maybe. Try signing back up at, get made a mod again, and then never post again.

Then it will work
Quote:You rather me bring up skuttlbutt?

No, I would rather the unnecessary hostility in this thread be ended.

But, then again, I can change the channel...
WhipThisFez Wrote:Maybe. Try signing back up at, get made a mod again, and then never post again.

Then it will work
From the dozen emails I get everyday, I was under the assumption that I was "OAGirl25". Is this not true now?
Quote:From the dozen emails I get everyday, I was under the assumption that I was "OAGirl25". Is this not true now?

Fuck, you mean MLK isn't OAgirl25?
I dont know. Is Upuauat still Breakthru?
Sephiroth Wrote:From the dozen emails I get everyday, I was under the assumption that I was "OAGirl25". Is this not true now?
no no no...thats kid, not you
Quote:I dont know. Is Upuauat still Breakthru?

I dunno. Is Angelo from da bronx LA Woman?

Wait a second...
WhipThisFez Wrote:I dunno. Is Angelo from da bronx LA Woman?
Is she still dating Motley Crue?
Nah. He's hooked up with Diddling myself.
This is confusing. Do you have a chart or something laying around?
I dunno but this feels a lot like high school.
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