Full Version: Nasty new dum dums - Assorted flavors
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Remember those tiny lollipops called "Dum Dums"? Assorted flaovers like Cream Soda, lemon, orange, etc.

Just great great fun. So someone had a couple today and gave me one. It was one of those "mystery" flavors, so I had no idea what it was.

I put the lollipop in my mouth, and tasted it,!!!

The only thing I could think it tasted like was butter. But who the fuck would make a butter lollipop? I must be wrong

But in fact. That was the flavor: Movie-popcorn butter flavored Dum Dums.

They certainly didn't have that flavor when I was a kid. What else do they have? mayo? urine?
Liver flavored Dum Dums would let me know that the terrorists have won.
i only eat the cherry or watermellon ones. yummy.
Dum-dum's rock the motherfuckin hizzouse!!
Jelly Belly was one of the first to push the boundaries of flavor,
they had a buttered popcorn jelly bean that made me gag...
now with harry potter they have a line that includes grass, dirt, bugger, and sardine
I saw a double fudge diet soda. Yes, I was curious and bought it. Yes it tasted like fudge. Yes it went straight down the drain.
I like the rootbeer flavored ones too. I got a bag at work, I usually just throw away all the scary flavors....I'm going to go check out the website to see if they've identified the mystery flavors....
Quote:i only eat the cherry
Quote:i only eat the cherry


eat me chief
Quote:eat me chief
He wouldn't know what to do...
VG = The Queen of Diamonds?