Full Version: Death/harm wishes here.... - Post your death/harm wishes..
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Ants in My Pants Wrote:
Quote:I hope that Alkey slams his head on his bathroom sink, causing his mental retardation.
Did you mean curing?
Apparently, Fez thinks I'm normal.
Silly Fez.
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote:Only if you're nice to her and buy her a drink first. Anal takes at least dinner and a movie first.
Not with Rape.
Just give her a wink and you're in there.
I've never been on an actual date, so I guess Alkey is right, anal doesn't require dinner and a movie.

And I don't look for a wedding ring cause I could care less if he is married or not, sucks for his wife if he is.
It wasn't a date?
Wow, you were easier than I thought.
IrishAlkey Wrote:It wasn't a date?
Wow, you were easier than I thought.
I wasn't aware that 6am grocery store visits were dates. Pffft! I didn't even get the aromatherapy and white linen sheets.
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