I know, I know. As soon as I posted "it was so perfect" I knew that someone would say I'm wrong because it isn't perfect because I'm awful at humor and occasionally post 3 seconds before realizing how truly awful it is
Edited By IkeaBoy on July 02 2002 at 6:46
no, you're funny sometimes. just not now.
And he said:
"Play the best song in the world
Or I'll eat your soul" (Soul)
Well, me and Kyle
We looked at each other
And we each said:
And we played the first thing that came to our heads
Just so happened to be
The BEST song in the world
It was the best song in the world... Yeah... Oh!
And it saved our butts.
Because the demon want to kill us... oh...
But he was forced to set us free
By the honor code that demons
Have to live by.
Cause it's Satan's Surprise and it's magic!
And it's a mystical disguise... oh..
The devil's song and it's tragic!
You are the mystical eyed virgin and you're rocking!
Well needless to say
The beast was stunned
A whip crack with his swampy tail
And the beast was done.
He asked us:
"Be you angels?"
And we said:
"NAY! We are but men! Rock HOUNDS!"
Hounds! Rock Hounds!
This is not
The greatest song in the world, no.
This is just a tribute!
Couldn't remember
The greatest song in the world
But this is a tribute!
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Tenacious D is the best</span>
Maybe perfect asshole.:rofl: