Full Version: Mirc - Anyone know what they are doing with it?
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ok whenever i try to connect to a dalnet server i get this error:

([exp/identd]) Due to constant abuse from this site, users are now required to install identd on their computers. send email to [email protected] with [exp/ident] as the subject for more information. [AKILL ID:1019963316K-a] {2002/06/21 12.21)

does anyone know how to remedy this situation?
Shea Hillenbrand is smarter than you too.

Derek Lowe could beat you at chess.

Nomar would fuck your girlfriend and then steal your candy.
Identd is a program that registers your IRC Nick and Password so the Dalnet servers know who is doing what, and when. If you want to connect to Dalnet, you must install this program.
I just got a message saying that anyone using pacbell as their ISP can't connect to I guess I am fucked.....