Full Version: Are people really that stupid? - Or am I self-righteous?
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Quote:i also hate it when someone says, "can i ask you a question?"
that drives me fucking crazy!!!!!!!!
also when people say "really?". why would fucking say it otherwise tool?
I hate "What's Up" the most because it's such a stupid phrase I hated it even more after the Whazzzzzzzzzzzzzup Budweiser commercial and everyone started doing it.

And K1d, you really should be nicer to your parole officer.
Quote:And K1d, you really should be nicer to your parole officer.
Goddamn Ikeaboy, you definetly have your moments. :roltflmao:
ooh the phrase that I hate the most, at the end of every sentence "know what i'm sayin?"

Or the worst when people describe a conversation and say "I was like." what the fuck does that mean? Yo I was like nah man..... huh?
The latter.

How was your day?
I tend to blow a snot rocket at those people who do that.
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