Full Version: Ah, the pleasures of driving... - A Special Thread for a "Special" Girl
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Rape Fantasizer Wrote:
Quote:I never learned to rollerskate.
You don't swim, you don't rollerskate.... how did you skip these things? :punch:
I've mastered 867 sexual positions.
And i've only seen 2, why?
Stay more than one night next time.
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote:I never learned to rollerskate.
You don't swim, you don't rollerskate.... how did you skip these things? :punch:
I've mastered 867 sexual positions.
And i've only seen 2, why?
Stay more than one night next time.
hmmm, 2 positions a night, 867 positions, thats about 14 months. I'll go pack.
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:I'll go pack.
I'll pack dick in ice since it'll be falling off soon if I have to do that!
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote:I'll go pack.
I'll pack dick in ice since it'll be falling off soon if I have to do that!
you sure as hell better have meant the amount of sex, and not who it was with, that would make your dick fall off.
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:
Quote:I'll go pack.
I'll pack dick in ice since it'll be falling off soon if I have to do that!
you sure as hell better have meant the amount of sex, and not who it was with, that would make your dick fall off.
Sure, that's what I meant.
you're a SPOO!!!!!!!!!!
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:you're a SPOO!!!!!!!!!!
You can't shove spoo in your ass, so leave it alone.
can you put spoo in my ass ? :fuggin:
driving sucks
The Sleeper Wrote:driving sucks
oh, is that what we were talking about?
crx girl Wrote:
Quote:driving sucks
oh, is that what we were talking about?
Spoo can't drive.
i thought spoo had his own car :roll:
crx girl Wrote:i thought spoo had his own car :roll:
Spoo has no gender!
i'm sorry i meant, i thought spoo could travel through time and space in all spooness
crx girl Wrote:i'm sorry i meant, i thought spoo could travel through time and space in all spooness
Only with a flux capacitor...
at 88 mph :burnfucker:
crx girl Wrote:at 88 mph :burnfucker:
Never call spoo chicken.
who called spoo chicken?? i'll kick their ass :pissed:
crx girl Wrote:who called spoo chicken?? i'll kick their ass :pissed:
Spoo can't hear you!
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote:who called spoo chicken?? i'll kick their ass :pissed:
Spoo can't hear you!
ok so?
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