Ok. So you locked my thread. No big deal. But then you go and erase some of my beautiful posts. What is this OA.com v 2.0? Come on now: fess up, explain and then appologize. Don't do it for me, Jimmy. Do it for yourself and your fans.
I have no fuckin clue what you are talking about right now. i just thought I would let you know that i like when you do Birthday greetings. Stick with that gimmick, it fits you oh so well.
This may be the first time I have ever read someone pissed off at Jimmy. Besides Polly that is. Come on, like she counts.
Quote:Stick with that gimmick, it fits you oh so well.
Not sure if I should feel thankful or insulted. I kinda like that feeling. Thank you.
Only thing I have done to a thread of yours is move it off the bus and up to the pit. To this day since I have become a mod I have never deleted anyone's post or never will. Listen here you prostate cancer filled cum bubble, I have no clue what your talking about. So before you go making assumptions like you did when you got yourself thinking you were born in a hospital and that scar on your head isnt from a rusty chevy pickup tailpipe trying to scrape you from yer moms uterus walls like an engorged tick on the soft underbelly of a whitetail deer, THINK FOR A SEC. SHEESH.
Oh and P.S. you donkey licker I didnt even lock that useless thread.
I'm not even going to do anything with this thread. Let everyone see what a shit sniffer you are. Ummmm well too late on that...but this will make it worse.
Edited By JIMMYSNUKA on June 28 2002 at 9:18
he he... it's poop... and, it's an "S"...
get it? poop & S?
Sorry, I am having a hard time even trying to look at Snuk's sig. I am sitting here in pure awe that he just ass raped Dig in his own thread. It takes alot for Jimmy to let it rip, good going, dig. Don't say i didn't warn you because, ummm, well, you would just be telling the truth.
Quote:your = you're
Go DIG. All of us here at the plant are behind you.
diceisgod is just an attention whore...

Quote:Listen here you prostate cancer filled cum bubble, I have no clue what your talking about.
Ok so maybe it wasn't you. Read the thread. It has been altered. Not that it matters. But it's the principle. Some douchebag went and shaved off about 4-5 posts or it may be some sort of strange techincal problem. I smell shennanigans and I have my suspicions. But I exonerate you from blame. You are forgiven. I shall ignore all of your witty insults. However...
Sean Cold, you are indeed clueless. It's your fucking board and you don't seem to know a god damn thing about anything that goes on. Some dick erased my posts and I demand that you investigate. Bring me their head. Investigate with the fervor in which you masturbate to those "alleged" naked pictures of Froy while dreaming of being him or with him or whatever the hell your thinking while some renegade jackoff runs around the board destroying the work of the boards finest poster.
Quote:You are forgiven.
Wow I'm sure he was losing sleep over that one...
Quote:It's your fucking board and you don't seem to know a god damn thing about anything that goes on. Some dick erased my posts and I demand that you investigate.
Do you realize how fucking a silly demand that is? While you are at it why don't you ask him to make you co-owner.
Quote:the boards finest poster.
What does ken's Pen have to do with this.
As for your demands, well, I think I am going to have to pass on doing such a thing at this time. While I understand that you at times seem to post with your head squarely inserted within your ass, so, consider this me being extreemly nice to you . If you think a mod dump out some posts, well, say so. I am sure that you have enough of your endless wit left that you can start another thread ripping into afore mentioned moderator.
[DIG]Sluggo, your a stupid piece of dog crap. I demand an explanation for this atrocity. I am the best thing to happen to this board since anti-lock braking was invented. Youv angred me, so apologize and maybe I'll forgive you. If not, then I will continue to be a wart on the ass of society.[/DIG]
Quote:I did it.
Your not a "real" mod sluggo you couldn't have done it. :poke:
[quote][DIG]Sluggo, your a stupid piece of dog crap. I demand an explanation for this atrocity. I am the best thing to happen to this board since anti-lock braking was invented. Youv angred me, so apologize and maybe I'll forgive you. If not, then I will continue to be a wart on the ass of society.[/DIG]
Don't you have some worthless forum to moderate or something?
Quote:Don't you have some worthless forum to moderate or something?
ummm... no...
but if i did have some worthless forum to moderate i'd be damn sure to delete everyone of your posts.
Quote:but if i did have some worthless forum to moderate i'd be damn sure to delete everyone of your posts.
Someone should delete yours that is if you had any there to delete. You = underqualified, absentee landlord.
DIG don't you have something more constructive to do? This attention whore thing is getting old...:poke:
I am thinking of deleting this mess...
Oh...Wait...I'm not a REAL Mod...