Full Version: Confessions - Lie, Cheat, Steal...what's your vice?
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A twisted side of VG? And yet, I am even further intrigued... who is this veiled woman?
Quote:A twisted side of VG? And yet, I am even further intrigued... who is this veiled woman?

twisted?...yes, more then any of you will ever know.
to be honest, i am afraid of people.
Quote:to be honest, i am afraid of people.
We're afraid of you too ya meanie!
virgingrrl Wrote:twisted?...yes, more then any of you will ever know.
to be honest, i am afraid of people.
Well, didn't the curiosity level about VG just go up a million points!!!!

More twisted = more gooder Confusedatan:
Confessions?? hmm..I stole Maynard's dildo. :real good:
BeckyDC Wrote:Confessions?? hmm..I stole Maynard's dildo. :real good:
Excuse me, but this belongs in the rumor thread.
Quote:Excuse me, but this belongs in the rumor thread.

Ohhh don't be a sour ball. I stole it from you fair and's mine now.
Quote:Well, didn't the curiosity level about VG just go up a million points!!!!

More twisted = more gooder

oh wonderful
HAHA, VG has stalkers. :lol:
Quote:HAHA, VG has stalkers.

um, what's that?
Quote:Well, didn't the curiosity level about VG just go up a million points!!!!

More twisted = more gooder

oh wonderful
Quote:The Bestest: The Official Queen Of The Damned

What, you didn't think we'd make you back that up with some proof? :disaprove:

Quote:um, what's that?


Edited By Metalfan on Jan. 25 2002 at 1:45
virgingrrl Wrote:
Quote:HAHA, VG has stalkers.

um, what's that?
Yes, but it's not funny when I have stalkers. Your stalkers are actually scary.
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:HAHA, VG has stalkers.

um, what's that?
Yes, but it's not funny when I have stalkers. Your stalkers are actually scary.
maybe they are just misunderstood. you should try sitting down with them and talking to them openly. share your feelings. i am sure this will resolve any problems. remember, they are people too. i hope this helped
Quote:maybe they are just misunderstood. you should try sitting down with them and talking to them openly. share your feelings. i am sure this will resolve any problems. remember, they are people too. i hope this helped
WEll, then if that's how you feel......we need to have a sit down and talk about you constantly following me, and all your perverted e-mails.
My goodness, Arpi, it's been over three hours since Mayturd made these awful accusations...
Are you not going to stick up for yourself, Man?
Sluggo Wrote:My goodness, Arpi, it's been over three hours since Mayturd made these awful accusations...
Are you not going to stick up for yourself, Man?
i find the world is a better place when we just turn the other cheek when confronted with insults. i forgive him.
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