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You can call the game whatever you want... just come in and play with me.
You can do it. Be creative. There are plenty of uses for a hot poker... stick it up someone's nose, swirl their brain around & see if you can get it to come out their ear.
::drags the chum pool to the middle of the room::
::hands a dead cat on the door::
Ok, open for business... :crossbones:
i dont claim to understand your sick twisted game, but i'm in!
who do we pokerize first?
(big girly kiss to anyone who gets that reference)
::takes hot poker, rams it into Arpi's ear...amazed at how easily it passes through to the other side....holds him up like a big balloon and slams him head first into the chum pool::
Ok, who wants the poker next??
Posts: 69
Joined: Jan. 2002
Well that is cause for celebration.
::drags Apri out of the pool, threads a rope thru his head::
::chases Metal across the room, & catches his feet in the rope and ties 'em up to Arpi's head::
::ties them together at the other end too::
Don't you make a cute couple.

trings them up from the ceiling, gets out the splitered bat, and waits for someone else to arrive so we can play Pinata::
::takes a baseball bat out of the closet::
::walks over to metal and arpi hanging from the ceiling::
::calls over the mexican kids from tequila and JMB's house to have a pinata party::
First one to crack a skull wins the door prize....
BTW - Ladi, how the fuck do you HAND a cat at the door? we HANG a cat at the door when the pool is open.
Forget the poker...I've got a branding iron :burnfucker:
OK, motherbitches, you're MINE now :lol:
Ladi, what do we get if we hit them hard enough?
:readies swing with the bat:
Quote:Forget the poker...I've got a branding iron
OK, motherbitches, you're MINE now
That is sooo fuckin hot. Do me first, please? :Spits:

macks maymay in the back of the head with the bat knocking him unconscious::
::cuts off his balls::
::tosses them to spit::
here ya go spit. take practice swings with these first. lets see what kind of nice splatter design you can make on the wall::
Quote:what do we get if we hit them hard enough
You get to pick all their teeth up off the floor and make a necklace.
Quote:Who wants to smell my hands

ticks Maynards hand down Grumpy's pants and gets the all good and shit covered::
::hot glues his fingers up his own nose::

teals hot glue gun from ladi::
::punches her in the stomach bending her over::
::forces her face in maymay's ass and hot glues her nose to his asshole::
::takes out 2x4 (aka - her favorite dildo) and strategically places in das doooooommmmper:::
would ya look at that? She still has room for another 2x4.
::gets in car and drives to home depot for more lumber::
::waits for Grumpy to come back from Home Depot::
::jumps out from behind the door & beats him with said 2x4::
::ties a week old tuna to his head, and lets Wilbur out of his box::
::watches Wilbur run over and skull fuck Grumpy, thinking the smell is really Metal's sister::
::takes swing::
Hmmm..what does this look like?
Quote:::watches Wilbur run over and skull fuck Grumpy, thinking the smell is really Metal's sister::
So, Grumpy=Brokenjaw now? :wilbur:
Edited By Spitfire on Jan. 24 2002 at 1:11
while you are all whacking each other do you think you could untie me please. little help
Spitfire Wrote:Forget the poker...I've got a branding iron :burnfucker:
OK, motherbitches, you're MINE now :lol:
Spit..pick me...pick me....
::feeling my stomach rumbling, can't hold it any more....i spray an obscene amout of diarrhea over the players....ladi is doused, spit is trying to drink it as fast as she can and grumpy is knee deep in shit now::
take that, you fuckers!!!!!
Ok, since Arpi can't seem to untangle himself, I'll help...
::throws a pile of mouse traps on the floor::
::climbs up & cuts the rope, laughing as he hits the traps and the shit puddle::
::takes the poker to Britney's jaw, a swift hit, not strong enough to break it but enough to get her down. as she's on all fours confused about what the hell h appens i kick her in the stomach and use the sharp end of the poker to stab into her left knee cap from behind but strong enough to go through. I stay for a few seconds, just watching her struggle, squirm, I might even let her run, well limp, around for a few, trying to reach a door, futiliy trying to turn a handle, her knee oozing the precious blood from both sides. her fear is felt in her moans of pain, eyes filling with tears, as she keeps turning the doorknob but alas to no success. she succumbs to the pain and weakness of the knee and falls possibly hitting her chin on the door knob. then i hit her in the back of the head with the poker not killing her but rendering her unconscious at least for now::
... oh and then uses the poker to shove into Maynard's dog fuck buddy's mouth so it goes through it's body and out of it's rectum, right up maynard's pee hole.
Edited By IkeaBoy on Jan. 24 2002 at 2:22
Oh, Ikea, very nice. ::golf clap::
::throws a dead fish at his head::
:: cleans off mouse traps, grabs ladi and bends her over maynerds corpse. rams hot poker up her rectum while punching her in the vagina with a meat hammer::
:kicks wilbur away and shows him the scent ladi's chum hole:
:grabs box full of silverware and dumps content:
:takes 8 forks and pierces ladi's nips and meat flaps:
:puts middle eastern music on watches ladi shake and look like a retarded bellydancer on crack:

its in a corner and eats week old tuna:
::throws a jello mold on Ladi as she shakes....not sure which moves more..her ass or the jello::
::walks over to grump and bitch slaps him with the fish for leading the federales to us again::
::bitch slaps gaynard, just because::
::takes a dump in the corner and leaves::
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