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Quote:walks over to grump and bitch slaps him with the fish for leading the federales to us again
damn it! do we have to move the home office AGAIN? It's a good thing I don't unpack anymore....
And why the hell am I still carrying around a picture of ladi of with her legs spread open and an eggplant stuffed in her poopshoot?
Oh wait....I forgot...that's to scare the rats out of the basement. Nevermind :real good:
::walks over to maynard and smacks him:: (just for good measure)

lips on shit in the corner left by metal's endtrails as he tries to leave::
Fucking tool still isn't housebroken. Wilbur has more control over his bodily functions than you do.
Quote:Fucking tool still isn't housebroken. Wilbur has more control over his bodily functions than you do.
Well, if you hadn't told the nanny she had such nice skin and you wanted to make some pants out of it... she might still be around to put the diapers on Metal.
By the way, the maid sservice called again wondering where the girl is. You're going to have to stop dressing her entrails up in the French Maid outfit and bury them, before they start to stink and someone reports us again.
::walks over to ladi and lifts her dress over her head::
would ya look at that - no underwear.....nice!
::tosses her in the week old festering fungus filled kiddie pool::
Now dance for me.....come can do it....shake that ass.....or it's out with the whip again.....
:::busts through the door with brute force:::
:::pulls out trusty Colt M16a2 COmmando and shoots the midget in the nuts and destroys any ounce of penis he may have had:::
::lends a helping hand to Ladi and pulls her out of the kiddie pool:::
whats up fuckers!
Edited By DreamWeaver on Feb. 07 2002 at 11:10
::throws DW into the shower for old times sake::
Thanks hun, good to see you.
Know, Grumpy, about that whipping.... should I be blindfolded too?

::kicks grumpy in his midget arse::
hey grumps, when are you going to realize that you shouldn't fuck with the ladies round here?
Quote:hey grumps, when are you going to realize that you shouldn't fuck with the ladies round here?
Fuck you, Ladies... :fuckyou:
no no no, fuck you sluggo :punch:
My goodness...
That was so easy...
Now lemme see how many more ladies wanna fuck Sluggo...
::kicks sluggo in the head::
i don't want to fuck you :punch:
OWWW! What the fuck?!?
::rubs head in confusion::
damn...I really love the fiesty ones...
Wanna wrestle?
Quote:OWWW! What the fuck?!?
::rubs head in confusion::
damn...I really love the fiesty ones...
Wanna wrestle?
:: strippes down to bra and panties, cause i don't want to get them dirty while killing sluggo in the mud wrestling pit::

::jumps into mud pit::
Here I am Missy...

weeps VG's legs out from under her::
Take that!!! :bouncer:
::looks up at sluggo::
::picks up two giant handfuls of mud::
::throws them in sluggo's face::
::while he is blinded, i punch him in the stomach and get up and kick's him in the head again::
I WIN!11!
::gets up holding his bleeding balls and bruised ass::

ee's the amazon queen and the pot smokin queen wrestling in the mud pit::
::cranks out camcorder::
I can sell this tape for a fortune on the internet.

ees dreamweaver in the shower::

trips and sneaks up behind her::
::goes to poke her in hiney but realizes he no longer has a schlong::
:angry: :angry: :angry:

ees grumpy with his camera::
::kicks sluggo while he is down, just for the fuck of it::
::runs over to grumps, picks him over my head, and throws him in the mud pit:: :bouncer:
::as I fall into the mud pit, I grab hold of the amazon's hair and take her down with me::
::VG finds herself face first into my bleeding crotch::
::excited about having her face in my crotch I get what should have been a hard on but with no schlong it's nothing more than a pulsating geyser of blood that shoots VG right between the eyes::
Can I get a band aid from someone please?
Hey VG - you look sexy in red. Wht are you doing after the wrestling match? :loveya: :loveya: :loveya: :loveya:
ACK! midget blood!
::runs to to the shower with dreamweaver (hello dream by the way

) and washes off the yicky midget blood::
::cleans off camcorder of mud and starts to tape DREAM and VG in the shower together::
wooo is a gold letter day. First the amateur mud wrestling and now lesbo showers. I figure I can get $90 a copy for this tape.
::takes out a box of dildos and sexual aids and tosses them in the shower with the girls::
Lets see if they take the hint :lol: :lol: :lol:
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