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lams the midget in the back of the head with a lead pipe...takes the camcorder and continues filming::
damn, can't fit all of VG in the shot....bah, who wants to see her face anyway.....hey amazon, why don't you get on your knees for a bit? ::takes lead pipe and cracks her behind the knee caps:: gah damn, would ya look at that..she's still taller than DW....
::pulls self out of the mud pit::
I was out for a while!!!
::rubs mud out of eyes::

ees Petal taping lesbo shower scene::
Whoa! Lemme see!!!
::Cracks him up-side the head with a loserville sluggo::
Fuck this taping...I need a shower!

till washing midget blood off of my amazon self::
jeeze, those little people bleed alot...
and fuck you metal for hitting me..that hurt :fuckyou:
::takes the 2x4 from metal and knocks him clean ontop of his head::
:metal goes down like pete puma on a bad bugs bunny cartoon::
:takes camcorder and sets it up on the corner:

neaks up behind the amazon and starts to wash her ass from behind:
:wishes he was taller so he wash other things:
Look ma, I'm in the movies. Yes, it's a porno, but check out the cans on this tall one.....woooo hoooo......
::looks down at grumps and just laughs::
wow! I get my arm in all the way to the elbow if I stand on toes.
I wonder?..........lets try
::lifts his face to be level with VG's meat flaps::
::yells and listens for echo::
<font size=8>Helloooooo!!!!</font>
<font size=7>Helloooooo!!!!</font>
<font size=6>Helloooooo!!!!</font>
<font size=5>Helloooooo!!!!</font>
<font size=4>Helloooooo!!!!</font>
<font size=3>Helloooooo!!!!</font>
<font size=2>Helloooooo!!!!</font>
<font size=1>Helloooooo!!!!</font>
Yep, just as I thought. It's a canyon in there.
::knee's grumps in face::
i can't beleive you just did that! :punch:
::walks over and pisses on the midget::
Ahhhhhh...Man I had to go BAD!
d'oh......more blood. the midget is bleeding again......
[cartman]screw you guys! I'm goin home!
Oh man, ... it's a mess in here... lesbian showers, and a bonus golden shower, with a little midget porn on the side. :thumbs-up:
Midget Porn: :amf: I'll bring friends!!!!
::While Kingy is busy gathering his friends, I wash grump off with a steel bucket of chum, then bash him over the head with it:: There, that'll settle ya down for a bit, mayor of Munchkinland
::hopping in the shower with VG, starting to clean the places shrimp boy only wishes he could reach:: Sorry I hit ya so hard VG....let me make it up to ya ;-)
:loveya: :loveya:
::turns and smiles at metal::
::then kicks him in the balls::
GET OUT OF MY SHOWER!11! :punch:
Edited By virgingrrl on Feb. 08 2002 at 09:47
Metalfan Wrote:::While Kingy is busy gathering his friends, I wash grump off with a steel bucket of chum, then bash him over the head with it:: There, that'll settle ya down for a bit, mayor of Munchkinland
::picks up the phone and dials the wicked witch of the east (aka Spitfire) and asks her to send over the flying monkeys::
Now you folks are in for a treat. Spit fed them Mexican food last night. Just wait til they show up and shit all over you from the sky.
::picks up empty chum bucket::
::places it over VG's head::
::beats it with the lead pipe like the liberty bell::
kick me in the ballies, will ya? see if i offer to clean your special place again...... :pissed:
::pees on VG after she falls to the shower floor unconscious::
Nothing like reading 3 pages of carnage to give you a good laugh after a long day...
I'll get you my pretty, and your little :wilbur: , too!
::flying monkeys spray jizz all over the wreckage...uh-oh, they're throwing shit too::
::tenderly picks up VG, draws the bubble bath, puts on some Tori, lights some candles...:: :loveya:
::then grabs the lead pipe to break Metal's balls::
HAHA! Now my monkeys can have my way with you! <font color=#EEEEEE>"Hey Kid, get over here" waddle-doodle
Edited By Spitfire on Feb. 08 2002 at 5:12

neaks into bathroom::
Oh well...The Ladies have been gone a while...
::inspects tub for stray pubes::
::throws them in a ziplock::
I'm gonna make a fortune selling these to Pubeface! :fuggin:
Quote:::tenderly picks up VG, draws the bubble bath, puts on some Tori, lights some candles...::
NICE! i win!11! :loveya:
*take the metal pipe and hits Alkey in the jaw with it, hard, a couple of times so that you can hear the bones crack and see the teeth breaking and being dislodged. the blood pouring from his mouth and nose. then a quick hit to the small of his back to get him to fall down whereby i find a small, rusty crevice in on end of the pole and stick it under the earlobe of the giant ear that bought him fame. Slowly bringing it up so that the flesh comes off slowly Reservoir Dogs style. Once the ear is removed and the gaping wound is apparent I take the same end that was used to cut off the ear and slowly push it into the bloody hole rotating it slowly as i hear more flesh tearing to make room for the pole putting on extra force to get it to break the bone of the cranium as i push the pole into the brain. optimally there would be enough pole so that it will actually come in one end and out the other and there is which gives me an added joy to the event I just partook in.**
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