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DGW Wrote:Ooops! She go boom.
Yer beat Ladi....take it out on Grumpys ass.
you must have my ass confused with yours. I don't let walking poster for syphyllis go near my ass. Ladi can smack yours drunk boy.

tarts to shovel dirt over the ledge onto Angel::

he looks up and gets a mouth full of dirt in addition to the shit she ate before::
::takes out firehose and blows her off the mountainside::
:burnfucker: :burnfucker: :burnfucker: :burnfucker: :burnfucker: :burnfucker:
after all that fucking climbing you wash me back off, thats it im getting a helicopter
::looks around for a helicopter::
Kicks the thread killer in the but
You scared everyone away again didn't you?
no i didnt, i killed them all
theres a difference
You think so???
I think soemone has a spanking coming their way!
DGW Wrote:You think so???
I think soemone has a spanking coming their way!
oo oo oooo I didn't miss it did I !!1
:: gets in line:: :moonie:
why cant u epople stay dead youre ruining my plans

hoot ladi::
I'm going to use your asses like a drum set.
Roles up sleeves
Grabs a big wooden spoon
Look at that mark!
can u do it again, but harder?
Maybe we should use something else???
yeah use something else, surprise me
Maybe a ping pong paddle.
Or did you have something specific in mind?
HEYYY..i want some of this action TOOO
:moonie: :moonie: :moonie: :p
can u handle anymore, i gave it to you pretty good in the other thread becky
**bends over** BRING IT ON BITCH!!!! :moonie:
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