Full Version: Things i believe in
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I believe that Ken smears peanut butter on the end of his dick for his dog to have a special "treat".
I do believe Maynard knows it's better to smear the peanut butter on the taint...
i believe that i need to go to the liquor store and stock up for the 4th of july. my bottle of monte alban mezcal con gusano is almost gone and i need some chopin vodka.
I do believe that LZ is a fucking alcoholic.
I believe my office now smells of popcorn, and whoever did it is a cunt, because I'm hungry. (any excuse to use the word today.)
Quote:I do believe that LZ is a fucking alcoholic.
I believe he also likes to name drop expensive brands.
ladi now you just reminded me that i have some popcorn that needs to be popped and eaten.
Quote:smells of popcorn, and whoever did it is a cunt,

:drool:....sorry, popcorn and cunt in the same sentence gives me bad ideas...
Quote:I believe he also likes to name drop expensive brands
i also believe that i can't help it if i have good taste.
Quote:gives me bad ideas...
popcorn ?!?!?! :crackhead: you ARE a kinky fuck ;-)
I believe I would take the peanut butter and dog option over the popcorn and cunt choice. (I just don't get it???!!!)
I believe that Ladi likes tuna fish in the cunt instead of popcorn.
Alright, so anything and cunt gives me bad ideas...:rofl:
I believe she said clam dip.
Quote:I believe she said clam dip.
it makes that by itself
clitty litter after it dries and collects in your underpants!!
I do believe I have to leave now for my softball game.

softball bat... Confusedcared: <--Ladi :lol:
:burnfucker: can I pitch?
I believe this is one funny smilie...

[Image: bluegrab.gif]
i believe that i'm gonna take my wife and kid out for sushi.
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