Just want to say hi to our forefather and supreme shit eater. Welcome to the fun fuckwad. Now suck the juice from my cum gun and shut the fuck up.
hi pal :rofl:
Edited By Hey Ladi on July 02 2002 at 4:17
welcome. now snuka has a partner again. ::cringe::
The flaming bag of shit said he has work and will check in tonightn but I'm sure he'll appreciate the welcome message....
about time we got fresh meat around here. A man can only take soooo much of snuka's pole swallowing act pretending it's Catherine Zeta Jones before he gives up.........
I'm ready for ya...
![[Image: SUIT.JPG]](http://www.inca-environmental.com/SUIT.JPG)
asshole should meet Asswipe.
do we get to roast Tenbat for our ritual dinner to welcome the Shit Bagger????
The holy trinity of sick fucks has been completed.
LOL...I'm a complete pile of burned, AIDS eaten babies corpses....I didn't even see this welcome message the first time in....Thank you, thank you. Yeah, it took me a while to join but i had a lot of shit going on and you all know how strict they are in the prisons..LOL...I wanna thank Snuka's sister for the conjugal visits, Gooch for his occasional bag of Jizz that would explode when opened, TFEC for his mothers soiled panties that reminded me of why i was here in the first place, Ladi for the Herp, Maynard for the HIV, Grump........hmmm....ah fuck 'em...LMAO, and to the rest of you fellow deviants, thanks for welcoming me into the realm of sickness...i'm sure we're all gonna have a jolly ol' time..hehe!! To all of ya...here's a coppery, burning piss shot in yer eyes..lol!!
Edited By Bag of Shit Howie on July 02 2002 at 8:30
Quote:do we get to roast Tenbat for our ritual dinner to welcome the Shit Bagger????
Well it wouldn't be a renunion without us doing that.:rofl:
That's ok... you eat the body of Christ, it only makes sense that you and Howie worship me as your diety.
It amazes me how some diseases can be eradicated in some parts of the world and yet pop up in another.......seems like smallpox is easier to get rid of than the "KFC" infection!!
Hey Howie, shock me shock me shock me with that deviant behavior.
Times have changed, bukkake breath.
I think all of you should just GO SIT ON A BICYCLE SPROCKET!
oh no, please, no JMB tag lines. I beg of thee, sleeper, no JMB quotes. My mind can not take the inane nature of it, flooding back to me.
What does that mean? You are spineless? Or that you follow around some twat you never met and are secretly called Petey?
damn, I'm never let in on the secrets :-(