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The board is broken. Why isn't that morphing into a real scary phantom?
It morphs into the Joker, newbie

I now feel so fucking dirty I want to take a shower on par with Karen Silkwood.

I really don't want to get that CD marked "Opie" but it's calling out to me... and I know what's on there...
Well gah damn......time to fix up the trailer and fuck your sister's....good ole Howie has surfaced from the port-o-potty he's been hiding in......what's up you polyp infested length of shit sausage?
Ugghh! Well KFC, ya still have that same dry, lame ass style of whit! I'm not even gonna waste an ounce of my HIV riddled rape juice on your stylings. You're even looked down on in the Trailer-trash community....adios ya tool!! Ahh, back to arcing a giant wad of spackle across Metal's ya been buddy!!
Been just fine shitstain....speaking of that...I had to replace the fucking bathroom in my house because of your mother. Workers never saw a ring of dirt like that around an entire bathroom before......fat bitch should be proud of herself :thumbs-up:
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