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Morning or Night Person?
Definitely Morning, I can't wait to jump out of bed in the morning and run to a mirror,
cause I am getting better looking every day.....

mmmmmmmmm me :loveya:
Only if you promise not to muss my hair.
Ok.. that 40-1 waaay back on the fisrt page.. does that there's a 1 in 40 chance of me being humiliated by this thread, or a 1 in 40 chance that I'll post in this thread?
I think a 1 in 40 chance of you not getting turned on by Keyser's photos.
im really into goth dudes
Quote:im really into goth dudes
So I guess you and Lent have something in common.
I am really into music. One day I hope to front a band. Not because I sing well, it's just that, well I got the rock star good looks so important for a lead singer.
yeah but magus is WAY hotter than inkgrrl
Sorry, I couldn't hear you. Had to close the window. Too many women screaming my name outside. What were we talking about?
Quote:ok DEEK. you caught me on that one.
after reading gonzos "Cap'n Crunch, bitch recognize!!!!!!!" reply i had just polished of a bowl of my favorite variety of cap'n crunch and felt compelled to make my comment.

please, pardon me for my error......

I am too busy getting snubbed to deal with you right now.
see that ken, you're starting to adapt my philosophy. i admit my problems therefore i have no problems
Was that a PM you just posted???

Shame on you.
it was too good to pass up....
could every one please pass by the Anger Mgmt. Forum,
this is getting serious.
throw him in the hole sluggy..... do it... do it now!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we please stop fighting with ourselves and bear our guns back to the designated target.
I agree...
LZ...Don't post PM's...
How's it feel buddy?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Ha Sluggo,
I will not be tricked into sending you a PM to tell you...
NO YOU shall never again get a Ken PM,
Never I say.....
Quote:could every one please pass by the Anger Mgmt. Forum,
this is getting serious.

Just when I thought your hotness could not be magnified you look even hotter when you get pissed. When GOD looks at you it's as if he is looking into a mirror at his own reflection :bow:
Ken, if you really want me to go to lunch with you, just say so. OK?
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