Full Version: Vg's boy of the month - Fuck french bread pizza
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wise not to breathe around you, stinky:fart:
So VG, can you announce my victory here so I can add "VG's Boy of the Month" to my status please?

when will VG's Golden God be announced????
eat me...i still have to make my decision.
ok, brazillian wax?
Quote:eat me...

If you insist.
How stupid do I feel.....
VG told me she was too busy with her modding on to select a winner.
lying slacker bitch.
I'm not asking for much...but if anyone can make this happen....I'd be most obliged :thumbs-up:

[Image: train_ken.jpg]
Seeing as how VG is now a mod I guess I could be her bitch
But i need a few cigarettes each day
And I won't wear leg warmers
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