i don't have a son
dood, give it a rest ok? i voted for you to be a new mod and this is the thanks i get? sheeesh!
Edited By LZMF1 on July 03 2002 at 4:47
Oh, that's a daughter? She looks like a boy. Has she come out yet?
too young to tell but i'll keep you informed...
That would be so hot if she is. Sleepovers at LZ's house would be fun.
Quote:i voted for you to be a new mod and this is the thanks i get?
You realize that my first action as mod will be to ban you, right?
Quote:You realize that my first action as mod will be to ban you, right?
NICE!!! you rock!!:headbanger:
that's why i voted for you.
There will be no Bannings...
Imprisonings, yes...:poke:
ken'spen forgot to include "give him the gomer pyle beating with a bar of soap in a pillow case" as one of the choices.
Quote:ken'spen forgot to include "give him the gomer pyle beating with a bar of soap in a pillow case" as one of the choices.
hey shit for brains.....that is what a blanket party is....
And what, per chance, is your interpretation of "blanket party" oh wise sage?
Fuck you and your superior wit and typing skills. You should be mod.
Edited By Galt on July 03 2002 at 5:12
you weren't very specific. you gotta remember.......i'm a bit slow.
Edited By LZMF1 on July 03 2002 at 5:25
Quote:give him the gomer pyle
Wrong show.
Quote:Wrong show.
Holy christ in a body bag, does LZ infect everyone? He is worse than a black, junkie, female, hiv carrying, harlem slut with the way his denseness spreads.
Quote:.......i'm a bit slow.
Just like it's a bit hot outside right now.
I couldn't remember if private pyle from FMJ was actually called gomer, I took a shot he wasn't.

Quote:Holy christ in a body bag, does LZ infect everyone? He is worse than a black, junkie, female, hiv carrying, harlem slut with the way his denseness spreads.
sean c0ld really likes me!!!!!! i know it!!!! i feel so wanted and loved!!!!
careful sean, if you keep reading my posts you may get to be a bit slow too.........
I can't believe you got 5 positive votes LZ...
Ladi, Sluggo, but who are the other three???
You rang? :clueless:
Quote:I can't believe you got 5 positive votes LZ...
Ladi, Sluggo, but who are the other three???
like i've said before, my allies prefer to stay anonymous.......
shit.....even i was surprised at the 5 votes of confidence in me!!
:crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead:
I just read yet another lame ass thread about his fucking neighbors and thought I would top this fucker.
I think LZ is a beautiful mind.