Full Version: New mod vote - Vote now or forever hold your peace
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I voted on the blind. And it went to OAS. Sorry Fbdli. :-p
Surprisingly enough, I luna's the best choice (of this lot).
Your words.....They cut deep like really really small pin
i would like to thank somebody...who, no idea
someone is getting a thank you hummer from felkfjlkwje
Maybe Sean has a 3rd account??
oh, the jealousy that ozes out of sleepers post as he expresses his disapointment in himself for only being able to gather up one vote. For shame young man.

No, asshole, I don't have a 3rd.
not only did i finally earn a vote, i'm almost catching more last place for me!
uh oh...fbd is getting ambitious...lets kill him before he wants too much.
Galt's vote tally is a bigger dissapointment that Rick Pitino's NBA coaching career.

Edited By The Sleeper on July 04 2002 at 10:38
....said the guy who's only vote came from himself
Yea, well I was like Rich Kotite with teh Jets, never had a chance to begin with, but came out completely embarrased.
well i guess if we're keeping this analogy going i was pete rose, i never had a chance to step up in the first place.
fbd is like Refridgerator Perry, we don't care if he did well or not, we still laugh at him.
and galt is like the red sox organization...hasn't won yet in his lifetime, and won't win for the rest of it.

Edited By criticslovesnatch on July 04 2002 at 10:52
can i do the super bowl shuffle, still?and have a gi joe made of me?
I already did Galt, shouldn't you still be in the cell?
my galt was better

and i'm out of jail, i learned my lesson:

don't let the rest of the world know that sean likes dashboard:rofl:

Edited By criticslovesnatch on July 04 2002 at 10:53
Bobbie boy, don't you learn? I really don't want to make you cry again Mr. Philips.
Like Colin Powell, I stepped out of this contest because I'm too good for it.

I passed my support to HyBriD, and my sources tell me that's the sole reason he's so close to overtaking Dent.
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