Full Version: New mod vote - Vote now or forever hold your peace
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so did arthur win the vote yet or what?
I think Hybrid might just catch up to him
it should be close...i'm very interested to see how the voting ends. aren't you?
this is riveting to say the least
i'm mounting a comeback, bitches.i've now surpassed sleeper and doc from the other vote, and galt'll be gone by the time the day is out
Close race. Now this is the kind of board drama I can get behind! :thumbs-up:
Quote:Close race.
oh shut up mr. beat my by 10 votes guy
hey looks like hybrid is gonna lose.

cry me a river
Dent is still in the lead?

I'm reminded of the movie 'Spaceballs'. Right when the monkey guys says, 'What's coming out of it's nose?'
So if Galt gets less votes than FBD, can we excommunicate Galt?
no. galt could get -25353965369689363636 votes and still be cooler than fbd. :lol:
I wasnt speaking of the coolness factor. hell, Galts even cooler than you. I just meant the embarrassment factor. :-p
You rang?
can i kill you yet?
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