Quote:the insulting part just makes me laugh because I know (no matter how much you deny it) that it really, really, really bothers you...
Better retard? Even Moron was able to figure that one. Don't you have a fight to go pick with another mental midget? I think LZ's brother is free now.
Quote:I guess your infinate wisdom and excellent people skills fails you this time.
This statement comes from a complete social recluse... You have no friends... no one likes you... if anything, you might have a few aquaintances that you spend brief interludes of time with. Now go on... post something else about how you don't care what people think of you... the simple fact that you continue to return to this thread for abuse just solidifys my point that you do "care" what people think...
Quote:Don't you have a fight to go pick with another mental midget?
as opposed to the mental midget I am currently fighting with....
re re retard.
See Ken, as for you. I've taken you down before, and I'll do it again. You I don't like. Moron, I do like. So I will choose NOT to get into an meaningless argument with him on the internet.
Quote:See Ken, as for you. I've taken you down before, and I'll do it again. You I don't like. Moron, I do like. So I will choose NOT to get into an meaningless argument with him on the internet.
oh... i see how it works now...
you only retaliate with your tough guy persona when you don't like people...
well, thank you for your patronage...
when have you ever taken me down????
If I had a scratch and sniff computer, this thread would smell like gayness.
Galt.... everything you touch turns to Gayness
Please make sure that this little scuffle with Maynard makes its way into every thread on the board.
There is definelty not enough pussy talk in this thread. Just pussy's talking.
Quote:Just pussy's talking.
Your command of the English language rivals your Idol's....
no apostrophe neccessary in making a plural
Yeah I ruined the joke. Oh well it's the thought that counts.
I just had to bring this back to the top... well, because Maynard is still a faggit who won't confront people...
please, feel free to discuss...
What happened now......... he forgot to hunt down & respond everytime you called him DICK today?

uicide: :rofl:
no, that's not it at all... he'd just a big fag that won't confront people he thinks (with his delusional mind) he is friends with... He has no problem flexing his internet muscles when it's somebody he hasn't met in person, but if he has actually had some sort of interaction with them, then he pussies out & runs... or directs his comments to someone else...
How did I ever miss a gem like this?
:fuggin: = :rofl:
:loveya: thanks Gonz....

Quote:he'd just a big fag that won't confront people he thinks (with his delusional mind) he is friends with
He forgot to compliment your Reach-around?
Does this mean Maynard doesn't think of Moron as a friend anymore????

Why not magoo, I don't think of you as a friend any more. You cock coddling faggit!!!