When you're removed from office, I will tell everyone that I fired you.
[Arpi]This thread sucks[/Arpi}
Yes I know. Thank you. Would you like to argue?
Nah... I proved my point... Even you agree with me. No need for arguing.
But it would be a lot of fun.
No it wouldn't....

maybe someone will just delete this thread. :lol:
Quote:maybe someone will just delete this thread.
Now you're getting into the spirit of it. Run along, young man. Your glamourous career at McDonalds awaits you. Be gone!
Quote:Your glamourous career at McDonalds awaits you. Be gone!
was that your attempt to start an argument with me?
Would you like fries with that?
i still think dig is cool. i dont know why. but i do.
DIG may be cool, but, HyBriD's PeeWee Herman sig is cooler! :-D
Dig fights everyone on messageboardland except for me because he fears me.
Remember that.
remember when you thought that Iraqi.org site gave you a virus because it opened up a bunch of windows?
That was funny.
Almost as funny as when your hero Anthony deleted your account. How does it feel to get raped by your heros?
who said he was my hero? He deleted my account because I was shitting on him.
That was pretty funny though.
Almost as funny as when you thought someone from the board was hacking you because after you closed down that Iraqi.org site, your phone rang and no one was on the other side.