Full Version: I have a really sweet hunting knife
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your tears would rust the blade rendering it uselsess anyway. sit down and shut up.
wow, you really know how to beat a joke into the ground, don't you?

no wonder people can't tell you and hedcold apart.
still funny.
I'll let you two squabble over how sweet my knife is.
if i had a knife as sweet as sleeper's knife, hybrid would be the first to die.
how many times are you gonna say that. fag.
if i said it once for every emo fag joke you made, this thread would have 1000 posts.
You're too wus to know how to use a knife to do more than smear butter.
looks like polly wants to be second.:burnfucker:
Quote:It has a blue gem on its handle
yup, sounds pretty gay to me Rolleyes
crx can live:bouncer:
oh gee, thanks
Quote:looks like polly wants to be second
I'm not scared of you...I can get your butt kicked! :thumbs-up:
nope, you'll be dead, so nobody will kick my ass:firebounce:
Oh they will avenge my death....
i'll kill them too. if my knife was sweet of course.
Big man behind a keyboard eh? ;-)
Maybe he needs the bro?
wow, twice in one thread, and exponentially less funny this time.

and no bro for me, thank you :-D
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