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your face is stupid.... i mean you have a stupid wait, give me a sec......ahhh, fuck it!
Quote:Possibly even a "My Nigga".

Wait, let me take a look in the mirror

Yup, I'm still a tall skinny white boy (who looks Italian but actually isn't even close). That one doesn't work for me, I'd get a mudhole stomped into my ass for letting that slip out.

I'll just stick with my usual 'bub':thumbs-up:
"bub" is good!! so is "pal" or "chief"
Quote:i also like to say "yo dog!"
Actually the correct pronuncation and spelling of that would be "yo dawg!".

And while bub is also a good term, I prefer Mac. :thumbs-up:
How about 'boss'?

I always call the gas station guy 'boss'. I think he wants to kill me using only a squeege by now
That would suck. Getting killed with a squeegee. After he killed you, would you say, "thanks bub"?
I like the terms "sport" or "sporto" and "guy".

Hey Sport.

Thanks Guy!
i also call alot of people "sparky", as in "how's it goin sparky?"
If someone I didn't know called me sporto, I'd have to punch him in the fuckin throat.
i get so turned on when you act butch;-)
"How about 'cuz'?"

You will want to watch who you call "cuz". If you were ever to call a "blood", "cuz", he's likely to peel your cap back. The opposite is also true.

Saying, "my nigga" is also not a good idea for the average white guy. I mean, if you know the person you are saying it to, it's one thing. But, you better make sure nobody else is listening.

Personally, one of my faves is "King". Like, "what's up king?". However, I often revert to the trusty old "holmes" or "homeboy".

"Dude" is pretty timeless, in all of it's many inflection-based meanings.

"Cracker" will never lose it's fun.

Basically, I think it's a good idea to stick with the name that you know pisses off the other person the most. That way you're assured to get punched in the nose at least once a year.

OK, Leatherneck?

wow, you have so much street cred, Kid.

You must be king of Westchester
i say dude alot. yea, that's about it. i dont usually call my friends my niggas because well that's just dumb.
Give it a whirl galt. I'd love to see how it works out for you. Here's the challenge...

Walk up to the roughest looking black dude you can find, who has a red bandana on his person. Approach him aggressively, and call him cuz...

If you live, then you will have surpassed my level of street cred.

I'm not saying I'm from the ghetto, but I do have a ghetto pass. I could take you to neighborhoods in several different cities, where you would be scared shitless to get out of the car in broad daylight, let alone after dark.
yeah pigment will do that to your street cred.

You sure worked long and hard to achieve that ghetto pass based on people's eyesight.<font color=EEEEEE>

Edited By Galt on July 08 2002 at 1:47
kid you're such a badass. can i touch you? please?

Edited By HyBriD on July 08 2002 at 1:48
It's not only pigment, it's also how you carry yourself. If you look like you don't belong somewhere, people will know, without regard to your skin color.

Why am I explaining this to you? This is information that might actually save your ass someday, and I WANT YOU TO DIE! :moonie:
Every time you respond to me, Toby, I win just a little bit more.
Quote:Every time you respond to me, Toby, I win just a little bit more.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I can only remember one time I've ever been uncomfortable in a situation. It was me, a friend of mine who is a large man of color, his short asian girlfriend, and my other friend who is also of color. We were in Harlem making a "pickup" for my one friend. So he tells the three of us to stay there. We looked at each other and thought it was a little suspicious us sitting in the car. So we decide to take a walk. MISTAKE! It was around 2 am and we did NOT belong there. We were approached my every single person on the street to ask us if we wanted to buy drugs.

I wasn't nervous for my safety, but more nervous that a cop would roll up asking us what the fuck we were doing there.
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