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If you wore a Raider jacket like Kid, you would have been OK
So all I need is a triple fat goose Raider jacket? I thought the Bulls were the team all the colored's liked?
Actually, I don't know. Kid has the ghetto pass, ask him what the guys at MTV tell him he should be wearing.<font color=white>

Edited By Galt on July 08 2002 at 2:00
MTV? If I paid any mind to what the people at MTV said... I would think I was a hacker because I downloaded a bootleg movie. (btw, it's Kunta Kinte)

It's not about what you wear or what color you are, it's really not. It's more about what you are doing. If you walk into a situation looking like a victim, you are more likely to become a victim. If you walk into a situation looking like you know what the fuck you're doing, nobody is going to fuck with you. If you are just oblivious to any danger, well then you probably just smell like piss and nobody wants to be near you anyway.
kid, do you wear a bandaid under your left eye? i know how cool that is now.
I think that was the reason that no one jumped us. We looked like we were there for something. Although, a 6'3" skinny white kid, a 6' brick shithouse black man, and a 5'3" asian girl really looked out of place together there.
Pimp, whore, and John
Galt scores teh funney!
Quote:I'm not saying I'm from the ghetto, but I do have a ghetto pass.

Dude...but you're from Old Bridge....hahahahahaha
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