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One of my bosses is a recovering heroin addict, she sells her psychotropic drugs at bars for E...oh and the Director of my department, is a pot head and misses work often due to being high. Found this all out a few weeks ago....gotta love a place with the drug policy that its okay to do them, just not at work.
hmm, perhaps i should stop my employees from doing drugs at work, of course, if i do that, they won't share with me... Confusedmokey:
You would so love my officemates after work, my direct supervisor shares her drugs with my friend because she feels bad since she makes more money. Want my job if I quit?
Didn't think so...but hey at least I can say I tried not to leave them stranded when I quit unexpectedly.
haha, nice. actually today, as was pointed out to me, there was not one fag on the schedule, nice for a change...
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