Full Version: Alcohol free birthday - Any ideas?
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Quote:Alcohol free birthday

where's the fun in that? pffffffft!
Quote:So far, only idea I have is Medieval Times.
nope....they serve alcohol there...

booze isn't necessary to have a good time but it sure as shit helps!
Holy shit on a shingle, RAZMATAZZ
I haven't thought of that place in years. Whoa...bad flashbacks of animatronic stage shows.

A good non-drinking activity for me and friends is the driving range. Beating the ever loving crap out of a bucket of little white balls is great. Either that or a pointless roadtrip, like driving down to Atlanta to get a hot dog at a Braves game, just because you're bored.

Not that I did that or anything:crackhead:
Quote:So far, only idea I have is Medieval Times.
If you have a car and can drive yourself out of the city how about the Renassainse(sp?) Fair?
I thought that was only once a year....

I would take a road trip, but the only place I would want to go, I can't really get to right now.
Hmmm...laser light shows at the Museum of Natural History are always good.
No alcohol?


if you're worried about getting tested, just drink a few gallons of water afterward, take some flush tablets, it will be all good!
Quote:Guess that means i dont owe Arpi a beer when the Mets don't win the NL East this year

as for alcohol free birthday--WATER PARK!
Good idea, Arpi! ...or Great Adventure, Dorney Coney Island still ghetto?
no coney, try dorney or that new one at great adventure(weekdays only or its a mob), mountain creek is cool too.

Edited By Arpikarhu on July 09 2002 at 09:54
Water park? Splish Splash on Long Island is huge, but it's a long drive.

Chartering a boat to ride around Long Island would be cool. Expensive, but fun. Have to have all your friends pay for the boat instead of presents which would suck.

Go-cart racing is fun. Especially if you go to a place with the really fast ones that get up to 50 or 60 on those narrow tracks.
Quote:Alcohol free birthday, Any ideas?

Give up the ballon knot.
Quote:Go-cart racing is fun. Especially if you go to a place with the really fast ones that get up to 50 or 60 on those narrow tracks.
Go-carts sound fun! Would do the waterpark thing if I wasn't so convinced that kids pissed in everything. :-o Hmm....thanks for the ideas...

And Spit, as for the testing...I gotta be tested the Monday after my birthday, I think I'll just inhale some glue :thumbs-up:
[Image: water%20park.jpg]
Now I want to go to a waterpark! My friends are going to kill me, my ideas change every 10 seconds....
where is that one arpi? it looks kinda like dorney park...oh, and stay away from mtn creek, that place is a zoo 7 days a week!
seasonal world. it's got a pool & everything.

nah, i was gonna say great adventure. go on NITRO!!!!!!!!
nitro rules!!!!!!!!!!11111111

Quote:laser light shows
lsd doesn't show up in piss tests does it???

otherwise i have no idea...
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