Full Version: Sometimes it is too late!!!!!
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I never had a Big Wheel or a Green Machine.....Now I am too big!!!
I never had GI Joes, not even plain ones, never mind the kung fu grip.
I never had a sit and spin

I have been robbed of my youth I say!!!!!
get one anyway
fuck the rules
eat the livers of young boys. it will infuse you with their spirit
Why did you need a new thread? :disappointed:

Stealing Spit's thunder?
[/quote]Why did you need a new thread?

Stealing Spit's thunder[quote]

NO!!! just the opposite, I didn't wanna bring her happy thread down,
this is simply the ying to her yang.
didn't want to poop on her party Ladi.
Rolleyes ok

And what's a Green Machine

The tires on the Big Whell always got so bare, and you'd pedel & pedel, and not go
I wouldn't know, cause I never had one boohooohooohoooooo.
green machine had more whistles and bells

I never had enough track to run hotwheels down my steps,
I never had an Evil Keneval stunt cycle.
"You'll shoot your eye out kid!"
I lived in texas, I had a .22 by the time I was 9
Quote:And what's a Green Machine
the green machine was like the lexus of big wheels!! it was cool as hell
Quote:And what's a Green Machine
Now for some reason this got the theme song for the Cartoon version of Ninja Turtles stuck in my head. Undecided
Quote:.22 by the time I was 9
Well .... I don't know if that qualifies as a cool Children's toy. But I'd certainly have a few used for it now.
Quote:I never had a Big Wheelhad it or a Green Machine.....Now I am too big!!!
I never had GI Joes, not even plain ones, never mind the kung fu grip.still have shitloads...spent at least a few hundred on the whole collection
I never had a sit and spinhad it
dont mind me...just rubbing stuff in
hey fblskjdflksj the sit and spin I was reffering to is not a guy named Bruce.
his name was dave, damni...i mean, i meant the toy, too.not some guy
There's a company that makes grown-up size big wheels. Pretty funny really.
Got a link, Arthur?

<center><table style=filter:glow(color=Green)>G r e e n M a c h i n e </table>

I’ve got a war inside my head
It’s got to set the soul free
I’ve got a wheel inside my head
A wheel of understanding

I’m loading my war machine
I’m contributing to the system
The breakdown scheme
I’m a shutting down your greed for green
I am here to gun it down
I got it dude

I see pretty flowers at my feet
Cool breeze, clean air, hospitality
Pretty please, pretty please, pretty please
Get the hell away from me.

I’m loading my war machine
I’m contributing to the system
The breakdown scheme
I’m a shutting down your greed for green
I am here to gun it down
I got it dude

I’ve got a war inside my head
I’ve got to set the soul free
I’ve got a wheel inside my head
A wheel of understanding

I want one of those hippity-hop balls again...

Edited By Spitfire on July 09 2002 at 2:53
Thanks Spit, I knew I was leaving stuff off the list.
I think there are some without the traditional handle too :rofl:

Quote:There's a company that makes grown-up size big wheels. Pretty funny really.
NICE!!!!! i want one!!!

strap on your hockey helmets and prepare for the inaugural CDIH death race!!!!!

Edited By LZMF1 on July 09 2002 at 3:06
Pages: 1 2 3