Full Version: I need help - Help me decide
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Apparently I am out of control with my PMs. Please help me find my "special someone" with whom I should shower ALL my attentions.
thank you.
Did you try the Dear Grumpy thread?
Good Job May,
You found the funney on your own that time.:lol:
Sweet Angel and Kim
What happened, Pen? Kid scare you away?
Quote:Apparently I am out of control with my PMs.

I do not see Midol as an option. It helps me alleviate swolen nipples and my chocolate craving.
Yay! I have zero votes! Phew!

Shut up Keyser! Rolleyes
Keyser is kinda slow I think..........
doesn't get the vote concept.
By putting this:
Quote:(please let this not be the one he wins)

you probably set yourself up...
Quote:By putting this: Quote:

(please let this not be the one he wins)

you probably set yourself up...

reverse psychology, his little green ball sack sig is a turn on.
um i didnt see my name on the list
Cuase you're translucent. Go look at your picture again.
Sweet! Another thread where I will get the least amount of votes.

People just don't care about me one way or the other.
psst...galt, you're winning
wait, what?
I voted for you. Confusedmokey:
Wrong thread dipshit. I'm not going to lie; the fact that I got more votes here than the mod vote does sting a bit.
WAIT A MINUTE???!?!!!!

Why do I have 4 fucking votes???? :angry:
:lookatme: I voted for you Maynard.
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